“No one’s fucking Kai,” I said, my voice too sharp, like the blade of a knife cutting through what was now a quiet room.

“Well, shit. Daddy Marcus has spoken,” Corbin teased.

“Daddy Marcus has staked his claim!” Parker taunted, and the three of them laughed. I stood in front of the open fridge, watching them and knowing I was fucked.

Chapter Six


I’d spent the whole week packing. The good thing was, I didn’t have a lot of furniture. It was mostly just my bedroom stuff, since the apartment was furnished with my roommate’s things. I’d lived with him since I moved to Santa Monica. Anders and I weren’t close, but it worked for us. I’d been so ready to leave Riverside, it hadn’t mattered that I didn’t have much. The most important thing I owned was my seventy-five-gallon saltwater fish tank. Luckily, that didn’t have to go today. I still had to figure out the best process for moving it and keeping my babies alive.

“We ready to do this?” Anders asked.

“Yep, I—”

Knock, knock, knock.

“You expecting anyone?” I asked.


My Marcus senses started tingling, a prickling at my nape. I didn’t know why my thoughts automatically went there, because why the fuck would Marcus be at my apartment? It wasn’t as if he knew where I lived… But it wouldn’t be hard to find out, and why was I standing here like an idiot instead of seeing who was at the door?

“I’ll get it,” I told Anders, and sure enough, as soon as I opened it, there he was.

I crossed my arms.

He smiled, which was really hot, but I tried not to focus on that.

“It’s cute when you get mad.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Helping. I want to make sure I’m around so you don’t bang up my walls or anything when you move in.”

Which okay, yeah, I could see him being particular about things like that, but there was more to it too. I knew from stuff I’d heard at Driftwood how much Marcus was always putting himself out there, always the one trying to help when his friends needed something. What I couldn’t figure out was why he was doing it for me.

“Well, if you think I’m gonna argue, you’re wrong. I like watching sexy men lift things.”

He snorted, shaking his head, and I stepped aside so he could come in. Anders’s tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he took Marcus in. I couldn’t blame him. I’d done the same the first time I’d seen him.

“I’m Marcus. You must be Anders.” Marcus held his hand out for my roommate—well, ex-roommate. Had I mentioned his name to Marcus before? If so, it had to be in passing, but clearly, he remembered.

“Nice to meet you, Marcus.” When Marcus continued into the apartment, Anders whispered, “That’s who you’re moving in with?”

“Yep.” I grinned.

Marcus, always to the point, asked, “Where do we start?”

“I just have a few kitchen things. Two boxes on the table. Everything else is in my bedroom, other than the tank. Anders said I could keep it here for a few days until I organize the move. It’s going to be difficult to transport. I really don’t want to lose any of them.”

“This is yours?” His brows drew together as he pointed at the fish tank.

“Don’t look so surprised. I can keep things alive. I’m more of a functioning adult than you seem to think.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He walked over and looked at the tank. I had two clownfish, a blue tang, gobies, banggai cardinals, and my reefs, which I was really proud of.

I joined him. “You have to be really careful, especially with the reefs. I’m gonna need to buy every bucket at the hardware store. It took me a long time to get this right, and I’m scared I’m gonna screw something up when I move it.”

“Don’t they have services for that?”

“I’m sure they do.” They probably weren’t cheap either.

“I’ll look into it. We’d be smart to hire someone.”

I quirked a brow. “We would, huh?”

“Protect your investment, Kai. This is a lot of money and time.”

“And heart.” I tapped his pec. “Don’t pretend you don’t have one, baby. I see it.”

He rolled his eyes. “Stop flirting with me.”

“Stop trying to save the day.”

“I’m being logical.”

“You’re being bossy.”

“Um…should I leave you two alone? Because you look like you’re about to rip each other’s clothes off.” Anders broke the moment, making me jerk away from Marcus, whom I’d somehow gotten closer to than I’d been a moment before. Fuck. I was simping for his cock too fucking hard.

“Nah, he says we can’t have sex. I’ve tried.”

Marcus shook his head, but I was pretty sure he was trying not to smile. “Be good.”

“You know hearing you say that turns me on more, right?”

“Really? The person who doesn’t want to follow rules or have someone tell him what to do?”