Corbin said, “It’s hard because we all want to relate, right? We want to see ourselves in others, and we want them to see who we are, but no one has our lived experience as individuals, so most of the time, they don’t get it. It’s easy to look at someone and decide who they are and what that means, but that’s based on your life experience and preconceived notions.” When Corbin finished speaking, I put my arm around him and pulled him close. He came easily.

“As with any group,” I continued, “there are a lot of stereotypes out there about ace people. It’s up to us to break those down and not make assumptions. Still, it’s also up to others to want to hear you. The best you can do is educate as you feel comfortable, without harm to yourself, and leave it in their hands. I know, very realist of me, but I don’t know how else to put it.”

Parker said, “We hear you, though, Searching for Answers. And maybe at some point, we can look into having someone on the show to talk about asexuality. I’m sorry if our answer isn’t great. As Dec said, we’re not really qualified for any of this.” Parker turned to Corbin. “What’s the next question?”

We answered a few more, then bantered over a story Parker told about him and Elliott. By that time I’d shared info on our sponsors, and we ended the show. I expected Kai to be mentioned any second now, and Corbin didn’t let me down.

“When does your boy move in?”

“Next weekend, and not my boy.” He’d called like I’d asked, and we’d figured out the logistics, decided on rent and things like that. I didn’t want to charge him at all. What was the point? My mortgage was the same regardless. But Kai wouldn’t accept that offer.

I was still trying to wrap my head around having made the offer for him to move in at all. Unlike what Park said, I didn’t think it was the most Marcus thing I could do. We were going to annoy the shit out of each other. My home was my space—well, our space, The Vers’s—and the thought of having someone else there all the time weighed on me.

“You’re freaking out,” Corbin told me.

“No I’m not.” I bristled. I might call them on their shit, but I didn’t like it when people did it to me.

“Yes, you are,” Declan added. “But I appreciate your helping him out. Kai is a good kid.”

“He’s not a kid,” I reiterated, and the second I did, it hit me how big a mistake that was. My response was just the opening they needed.

“Who wants to take bets on how long it takes Marcus to bang his new roommate?” Corbin asked.

Fuck my life. “Why am I friends with you guys?”

“You realize Kai is my employee, right? I’m used to having to tell him not to flirt, but do I have to scold you on what’s appropriate too, Corbin?”

“Two weeks tops,” Parker threw in.

“Jesus Christ. Are you shitting me? What makes you think I’d fuck someone so close to my family?” It was like déjà vu to how many other similar situations between the four of us? Except it was never me in the hot seat.

We stood and left the studio, Corbin right on my heels. “Um…because every time you look at him, you give him that Marcus stare—the growly, seductive, I want to wreck you until you don’t know any other men exist but me.”

“I don’t do that shit.” Did I do that?

I went straight to the kitchen. Elliott and Sebastian weren’t here today. I was pretty sure they were out having lunch, so I was going to cook something for the four of us.

“Yes you do,” Parker said. “How don’t you know you do that? It’s really fucking hot. I’ve seen you give that look a million times over the years, but it’s even more intense with Kai.”

This was followed by Declan’s, “I’m stuck between finding this entertaining and being worried. You do want him, Marcus.”

I groaned. “No shit. Of course I want to fuck him. Have you seen him? But I have control over myself and I won’t because too much can go wrong.” I didn’t want to risk putting Declan in the middle, or him losing an employee if shit went sideways. And now that Kai was moving in, I really wasn’t going to sleep with him. That was the opposite of having the situation under control. It made things messy, and I didn’t do messy.

“So…did anyone notice his nipples are pierced?” Corbin asked, and goddamned if heat didn’t rush to my groin.

“I’m going to kill you.”

He grinned. “If you’re not going to sleep with him, do you mind if I see if he wants to hook up? He seems fun.”