Every fucking time, I’m putty in his hands.
“I fucking love you,” he murmurs against my lips, reaching up and trailing his knuckles down the side of my face as though I were the most precious crystal he’s ever seen.
A beaming smile pulls at my lips, threatening to tear my face in two. “I love you, too.”
A moment passes between us where he just stares at me, and for just a second, I see our whole life laid out before us. Then just as I go to lean back in, my arm is yanked back by a very beautiful, very energetic bride. Cassie grips my hand and pulls me up off Carter’s lap, and he’s forced to catch my waist before I sail right into the bridal table.
She dives for Sara next, and I barely get a chance to grab my champagne flute before she’s dragging both of us toward the packed dance floor.
“Don’t wear her out too much,” Carter calls after us, laughter in his rich tone. “Bri needs plenty of energy for what I have planned for her tonight.”
Oh God, yes.
Chapter 2
A thrill sails through my body, sending goosebumps rising over my skin as Cassie looks back at me with such disgust, anyone would think she just stepped in dog shit and was forced to scrape it off her shoe with her teeth.
“I swear, that brother of mine is so gross,” Cassie mutters, bracing her hand against my shoulder to lean on me. She reaches down, and I watch with an amused smirk as she grabs her heels and yanks them off one by one before launching them across the room, narrowly missing her new husband’s head. I gape at her. This bitch means business. No woman removes her shoes if she’s only planning a quick dance. No, we’re in it for the long haul.
Straightening back up, I copy her movements and kick off my own shoes. “Where the hell did you disappear to?” Cass asks, watching me as I try to balance without her help. “I’ve been looking for your bitch-ass for twenty minutes.”
Hmm, only twenty minutes? I’m sure we were gone longer than that!
“Where do you think she went?” Sara smirks, a knowing sparkle hitting her bright blue eyes. “Carter was gone too, and when they returned, Bri was more than just flushed.”
Cassie’s eyes turn on me in horror. “You did not sneak off to have drunk sex with my brother during my wedding.”
“I did not,” I say outraged, my hand against my heart. Relief flashes in her eyes, but it’s short-lived as a wicked smirk stretches across my face. “We snuck off to have mind-blowing, earth-shattering sex, followed by a quick above-panty rub down.”
“Ugh,” she groans in disgust as I spy Jax, her new husband, walking around the room, collecting the discarded heels, clearly proving he’s more than capable of handling his new wife. “Spare me the details.”
“You asked,” I shrug as the waitress comes around with another tray of champagne flutes. I throw back my current glass and make a quick switch for a new, much fuller one before handing another to Cassie.
“You’re going to have to slow down if you intend on catching my bouquet later,” Cassie says.
“Please,” I scoff. “I could drink a million of these and still be bright and chirpy in the morning.”
“I know,” she sighs. “It’s not fair that you don’t get hungover the same way the rest of the world does. I’m gonna be a mess tomorrow.”
“But a married mess,” I remind her, prompting us each to hold our glasses up and clink them together.
“At least you guys actually get to drink,” Sara cuts in as she rubs her hand over her perfect little baby bump while awkwardly swaying to the music. “I would do anything to be able to let loose and have a few glasses of champagne. I can’t wait for this baby to come out.”
“I bet,” I say, looking at her baby bump adoringly. “I can’t wait to have a baby. Carter and I would make the cutest babies.”
“Jesus, slow down,” Cassie scoffs, chugging her champagne. “Do you realize who you’re talking about? Carter is not in the market for a baby any time soon. You’d be lucky if you could convince him to buy you a ring.”
“Ha,” Sara laughs. “That’s the understatement of the year.”
“I know,” I tell them with a heavy sigh, lifting the champagne flute to my lips and taking a much-needed sip. “But a girl can dream.”
It’s no secret Carter is a reformed playboy, and the thought of knocking up some girl would have him breaking out in hives. He’s not ready. Really, we aren’t ready as a couple. We’re enjoying what we have, and it’s been amazing, but I can’t help wanting more.
I can picture us being the next couple to walk down the aisle, then a few years after that, we’ll start popping out some babies. Either way, I’m thinking about it. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. I can’t wait. Just the thought of watching that magnificent man running around with a little boy hanging off his legs makes my ovaries want to explode.