“Do you want me to get the midwife?” he questions.

“No, not yet,” I say. “I can handle it a little longer.”

Carter has been trying to convince me to use the gas or to consider an epidural for the past hour. He absolutely hates seeing me in pain, and so far, I’ve shaken off his comments, but Cassie’s words hit me. Am I trying to be a hero? No one is going to judge me for getting something to ease the pain.

When the next contraction comes on, I give in. I’m definitely no hero. “Okay,” I say, trying to breathe through the pain. “Get me the gas.”

“Thank fuck,” Carter says, relief flashing in his dark eyes as he presses the call button for the midwife.

Gigi comes in and gets shit sorted, and within seconds, I’m sucking the gas harder than I’ve ever sucked Carter. And like clockwork, my pain begins to ease. “Fuck me, this is good,” I tell him.

“I bet,” he says as Gigi notices Georgie fast asleep in her daddy’s arms. She lets out an awed sigh, taken by the sight, just like the rest of us. “Oh my God, isn’t she beautiful,” Gigi tells him. Sean gives her a tight smile, still not quite coping despite putting on a brave face.

With that, Gigi scurries out of the room and appears moments later with a baby crib and a blanket, offering them to Sean to put Georgie down. “Thanks,” he murmurs, giving her a real smile and making a rosy blush spread across her cheeks.

I can’t help but grin watching the exchange because girl . . . same. There’s just something about these Waters boys that has every woman falling to their knees.

Gigi hightails it out of the room, and I get into a great routine of sucking back the gas with each contraction until I start feeling a little light-headed. Hell, I’m feeling a little high too. “You have to try this,” I say with a sloppy grin, glancing at Carter, who watches me in amusement.

His brows furrow, looking a little closer. “Fuck. You’re high.”

“Am not,” I laugh.


I scoff, smirking at my fiancé. “Chicken.”

Logan flies up off his chair, his hand already stretched out toward me. “I’ll give it a try.” He gives me a dorky grin, all but running across the room to get to the gas. I gingerly hand it over as Sean groans and lets him know that he’s being an idiot.

Not giving a single fuck, Logan takes a hit of the gas, sucking that thing better than I do. Logan takes a few more hits before that dorky grin returns. “Holy fuck,” he laughs. “This shit is good.”

Logan turns to Jax and holds it out, tempting him to get in on the action, and Jax being Jax simply can’t help himself. He shoos Cassie off his lap in his rush to get to the gas, and before I know it, both Jax and Logan are giggling like a bunch of school girls, more than high.

FOMO kicks in, and Cassie and Carter get in on the action, and between the four of them, I have more than enough entertainment to get through the next few hours.

Logan gets up and crosses to the supply closet before yanking open the door and pulling out a spare pillow. With a smile, he struts back across the room, only he doesn’t go back to his seat, he stops at the bathtub, drops the pillow, and climbs right in. He gets himself comfortable and grins up at Jax before patting the space beside him. “Wanna cuddle?” he questions, raising his brows.

“Do I ever,” Jax beams, practically launching himself over the edge and snuggling in beside him, looking like a teenage girl who just had the quarterback ask her to prom. They get cozy in the bath and share a pillow while playing games on their phones, making Sean roll his eyes as Cassie discreetly takes pictures and posts them to the private Colorado Thunder chat.

Carter gets jealous and climbs into the bed beside me, still holding my hand through the contractions. I instinctively snuggle into his chest and feel a million times better, despite being in the worst pain known to womankind.

The door flies open and in walks one of the biggest idiots I know. “I hope you’re not having these babies without me,” Bobby says as he struts in like he owns the place.

A beaming smile tears across my face. I was starting to worry that he’d miss all the action. “Ahh, if it isn’t my wombmate,” I laugh as he walks over to me and gives me a great big hug, holding me much longer than necessary.

Bobby takes a look around the room, taking in the boys in the bath and the goofy as fuck look on Carter’s face. “Shit, you guys look fucking cooked.”