“Fuck,” Carter grunts again, rushing back to me and helping me out of the chair.

“I’m not ready for this,” I tell him as we make our way back up to the house.

“You’re so ready for this,” he tells me, the confidence in his eyes blowing me the fuck away. “You’re going to be an amazing mother.”

“Of course I’m going to be an amazing mother,” I grunt. “What I mean is that I’m not ready to push these babies out. I’m fucking terrified. After Sara—”

He wraps his arm around me as we make our way back through the house. “You’re going to do great, and if you can’t handle it, there’s always drugs to cheer you up. We’ve spoken to the doctors about your fears of having a C-section, and they’re on board. What happened to Sara isn’t going to happen to you. There’s no doubt that this is going to be awful. It’s going to hurt and you’re going to hate it, and there will come a point where you’re going to want to give up, but I know you, Bri. You’re going to push through the pain, and at the end of the day, you’re going to have two beautiful little babies in your arms, sucking the life out of your perfect fucking tits.”

“Fuck, Carter,” I groan. “You were so close to making me feel better.”

He chuckles as he helps me up into his truck, pausing to press a kiss to my lips. “Call it like it see it, babe,” he grins.

Carter closes my door and hurries around to the driver’s side, giving me the cheesiest fucking grin I’ve ever seen before finally kicking over the engine. Jax and Cassie climb into the backseat just in time for Carter to hit the gas.

Glancing out the window, I watch Sean buckling Georgie into his truck as Elle and Logan get in with him, and I realize that this is going to bring up a lot of memories for Sean that I don’t know if he’s ready to deal with just yet.

It’s only a short ten-minute drive to the hospital, but every passing second only has my nerves getting that much worse. This must honestly be the scariest shit in the world. I mean, how the hell are these babies going to squeeze out of my vagina? It’s going to fucking hurt. What the hell was I thinking?

My breathing becomes erratic and Carter reaches across the console to take my hand. “Calm down,” he soothes. “You’re going to be okay. I’ve got you.”

I look over at him with wide eyes. “I don’t want to shit on the table.”

“What?” he grunts, having to take his eyes off the road for just a moment to gape at me.

“A lady at work,” I start, trying to slow my breathing, “she told me a friend of hers was sick and when it came time to push, she shit all over the nurses and doctor. Practically redecorated the whole birthing suite with explosive diarrhea.”

“Fuck,” he laughs. “That’s not going to happen to you.”

“You don’t know that,” I say, focusing my gaze out the windshield. I sit in silence the rest of the way, trying to calm myself when horror slams through my chest. “Oh, shit,” I panic, turning my horrified stare on my fiancé as he comes to a stop outside the hospital. “You need to call Bobby.”

“Don’t worry, babe. It’s handled,” he says, nodding to Jax in the backseat who pulls out his phone.

Sean’s truck pulls up in the space beside us, and as Carter makes his way around to help me out, Logan beats him to the punch and helps me to my feet. I’m just about to thank him when I look up at the hospital in fear—the same fear that flashes in Sean’s eyes. “This is it,” I tell Carter as he presses his hand to my lower back, leading me toward the door. “We’re going to have some babies.”

“Fuck yeah, we are,” he says, not even a hint of nervousness. “Let’s do this shit.”

Chapter 29


I step into the birthing suite with Carter at my side and take a look around, trying my best not to panic. A bed takes up the center of the room with a shitload of machines connected to it. A table is off to the side, stacked with all sorts of medical equipment, and a big ass tub sits in the corner of the room, which I’m assuming is used for water births.

It hits me that this is truly happening. In the next few hours, I’ll be pushing two babies out of my lady taco and tearing my vag to shreds.

Fuck me. What was I thinking? I like my vag the way it is, and hell, I know Carter does too.

Walking deeper into the room, my fingers graze over the bed I’ll be calling home for the next day or two as the rest of our family follows in. I find the dressing gown on the bed and pick it up before silently making my way into the connecting bathroom. I start getting dressed while listening to everyone making themselves comfortable in the room, not surprised when I hear Carter tell Logan to get the fuck off my bed and find his own damn chair.