Carter’s whole face lights up, and I want nothing more than to throw myself into his warm arm and go back to how things used to be. Then before I confuse my feelings, I finish storming out and make a show of slamming another door before I find one of his many spare bedrooms and slam that door as well.

Throwing my clothes on the end of the bed, I drop down and start rifling through my bag until my hand curls around my journal. Pulling it out, I find a pen and turn to the next page.

Week 26

Your father is an asshole.

An hour later, the door opens and I find Carter standing before me with Chinese food in hand. My stomach grumbles, and he doesn’t wait for me to invite him in, just strolls right on over, makes himself comfortable on my newly-claimed bed, and starts digging into his dinner.

The smell is too much for me to handle, and I find myself digging in as well, the babies needing to be fed. Once we’re done, Carter puts the empty containers on the floor and pulls me into his arms. I want nothing more than to push him away and put my walls back up, but I simply can’t. My body yearns for his touch, and that need for him is just too strong.

I melt into him, and he lays us back on the bed, his arm locked securely around my waist as though he will never let me go. “I love you, Brianna. You know that right?” he murmurs as his fingers trail back and forth across my skin. “If I could take back all that hurt, you know I would.”

“I know,” I murmur, my hand falling to his chest and feeling the heavy thumping of his heartbeat. “I love you too.”

His fingers pause, and I sense him begin to hesitate before letting the words fill the room. “Will you consider sleeping in my room?”

I smile up at him, a laugh catching in my throat. “Over my dead body,” I tell him.

“It was worth a try,” he chuckles, resting his other hand on my protruding stomach. He presses a kiss to my forehead, and I find myself beginning to grow sleepy, so content in his arms. “Are you going to stay?” he questions. “I want you here.”

“And I want a castle in the South of France,” I scoff.

“Babe,” he groans.

“Yeah,” I tell him, finally giving in to the inevitable. “I’m going to stay. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” And with that, I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep as I lay in the arms of the man who owns my whole heart.

Chapter 27


The fucking Wilder mansion is finally complete. I handed over the keys and I’ll never have to deal with the mind-changing idiots again. I’ve never experienced such a frustrating build in my life, but there’s no denying that the home I built was incredible. I even took Bri for a walk-through just to show off how fucking flawless my architecture and design skills are, simply because I knew how she’d stroke my ego and tell me how fucking amazing I am.

Naturally, the Wilders were thrilled, and even though they’ve been a thorn in my side for nearly two years, I couldn’t wait to hand it over and see the look on their faces when they stepped through the threshold of their new home. I love doing custom designs, but man, they take a lot out of me. Though I suppose it comes with the territory when you’re slapping a multi-million-dollar price tag on it.

Getting home after a rewarding day at work, I find my girl in nothing but her underwear, dancing through our kitchen as she works on dinner. Music blasts through the speakers as Bri sways her hips, singing along to the lyrics and getting every single one of the words wrong.

I grin as I take her in. She’s been living with me for a few weeks now, and she still refuses to move out of the spare room. While I understand that she’s trying to prove a point, all it means is that instead of being comfortable in my bed, I’ve been sleeping in there with her.

Brianna is slowly coming back to me and slowly beginning to trust me again. I’ve been with her as much as possible since the day I found out she was pregnant, but having her here under the same roof as me and being able to watch her tummy grow is everything.

Standing against the doorframe, I watch as she moves her body. She clearly hasn’t figured out that she has an audience, and I sure as fuck don’t let her in on the secret. Watching Bri just being herself is incredible and goes to show just how comfortable she is living here with me again.