Either way, I’m a fucking genius. I might be a dead genius, but I deserve a medal for this shit. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to move her back in with me.

A few hours later, and after an extra hundred dollars each, the delivery guys finished helping me set up the nursery and were finally able to get on their way.

I stand in the room that’s going to hold my children’s sweetest, innocent dreams and look around at our handy work. The room is perfect. It looks like a baby bedroom designer has come and turned this place into a baby wonderland. I can’t wait for Bri to see this. She’s going to be blown away.

Two little cribs line the back wall, and a fully stocked toy shelf lines another. There’s two little rocking horses, a closet filled with matching sets of clothes, and the woman even threw in a few boxes of diapers and wet wipes to get us started.

I owe that woman a bouquet of flowers or something to thank her for all the help she gave me today. Not to mention, I should also apologize for stealing her delivery drivers for the whole day. Without her, I would have been lost. I would have purchased just a handful of things and walked out. Clearly I had no idea what I was doing.

With a smile, I gently close the door to the nursery and head into my room and start hanging up all Bri’s clothes in my closet, truly moving her in. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all her other stuff, like the couch and bedroom suite, but I don’t really care. Though, the monster cock I found hiding under her bed goes straight into my bedside drawer. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it, but if that’s how she wants to get down, then I’m all here for it.

Finishing up, I glance around my masterpiece, knowing damn well that she’s going to hate this, but it’s too late to go back now. She’ll eventually get over it and see it’s the best thing for us, but it’ll be a journey getting there. She’s too fucking stubborn to admit it right away, just as she still tries to tell me that the whole almost running her over incident was my fault.

Either way, I can’t wait to see that angry little line appear between her brows as she screams at me for being the biggest jerk she knows. It’s going to be amazing, and the whole time, I’m going to be doing everything in my power not to get hard and keep a straight face. God, she’s so fucking hot when she’s mad.

With an exhausted sigh, I head into my bathroom. After all the heavy lifting I’ve been doing today, I could really use a shower. After quickly stripping off, I get straight in and let the hot water wash over my sore muscles. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love my home and it’s going to be an incredible place to raise my family, but when it comes to things like moving, it fucking sucks. Carrying endless boxes of furniture up and down those stairs has scarred me for life.

Unable to keep from picturing the feisty woman who’s going to break down my door later tonight, my dick starts growing hard, and before I know it, I’m closing my fist around my cock and getting straight to work. After not having sex for seven months, and another five before that, jerking off has become a daily occurrence in this bathroom . . . and my bed, and the living room. Really anywhere within the walls of this house.

But it’s worth it because when the time comes for me and Bri to truly be together again, when I’ve finally earned back her trust, it’ll just make it that much better. When I finally get her back into my arms, I’m going to show her things she could only imagine in her wildest dreams, and what’s more, it’s going to be fucking magical.

Chapter 26


“How was your day?” Cassie asks as I climb out of my car and struggle to lock the door with my purse in one hand and phone in the other.

“Hold on a sec,” I mutter, jamming the phone between my ear and shoulder before locking the door properly. Double checking I have everything I need, I head up to the door of my apartment complex. “Sorry,” I tell her. “Today’s been huge. We had the science fair at school and my kids were so excited.”

“Oh, really?” she coos, always loving to hear about my students. “I always loved the science fair. Did they enter any projects?”

“Not really,” I say, walking into my building. “They’re a bit young to be creating such elaborate things and actually understand what they’re doing, so we built a volcano as a group. They loved it, especially when we made it explode.” Reaching my door, I stop to riffle through my bag and search for my keys. Finding them in the very bottom of my bag, I curl my fingers around the cool metal and jam the key into the lock. “You should have seen their tiny faces. They loved it.”