It’s been a strange week. A new development has gone up in that massive space on the way to work with a big sign saying Waters Construction. That’s your daddy’s company, by the way. It’s huge and he builds amazing houses for very rich, hoity-toity people. It’s kinda cool actually. He’s worked with a bunch of celebrities and important people. Don’t ask for introductions though. It’ll never happen. But then, you’re his babies, and one day, I’m sure he’ll move heaven and earth to give you the world.

Just like I will.

It’s weird driving past the construction site every day, but so far, I haven’t seen his truck there, so we’re safe to keep living in our delusional bubble.

Anyway, I’m signing off for tonight. I’ll check in again soon.


Week 9

Great news, munchkins. I can feel you guys doing backflips in the middle of the night. My tummy has gotten firmer and not because of all the yoga I’ve been doing!!!! It sticks out a tiny bit, but not enough that I have to get new clothes. Give it a few more weeks and people will start to notice.

It’s one thing feeling you moving around inside of me, but actually seeing the bump makes this so much more real. I’m kinda scared, but I know we’re going to be okay. Your uncle Bobby has a hero complex, so even if I’m freaking out, he’s going to make sure we’re all happy and healthy because that’s what he does best.

Oooop . . . hold up. I need a quick power vomit.


Okay, I’m back. But also, now that you’re moving around a lot more, these little power vomits are becoming all too regular. Do you think you could move around with caution maybe? I spent over an hour cooking that dinner, and now it’s chilling out with the fish.

Also, ignore those smudges. I swear, it’s not vomit. Really, it’s not . . . I promise. Ahhh, who am I kidding? It’s definitely vomit, but I cleaned it up the best I could. Besides, it’s your fault it’s there anyway!

Anywhooooo . . . We’re flying through this pregnancy. We’re just past the two-month mark. It’s going so fast, and I’m enjoying 99.9% of it. Okay, maybe more like 90%. Pregnancy is hard and exhausting, and I fear it’s only going to get harder from here.

How crazy is it to think I’m growing you guys inside my tummy? When you think about it, it’s such a wild concept. I can’t wait for my next scan so I can see you again. I downloaded an app that tells me you’re the size of a green olive right now.

I haven’t told your aunty Cass yet, and I’m nervous she’s going to hate me, but it’s . . . it’s complicated.

I love you both so much. I hope you’re happy and healthy in there.

I miss your daddy.


Week 10

Mommy has been busy! I found us a beautiful home in the suburbs, one with a huge yard that has space to build a pool (something I’m sure I could eventually convince your daddy to build for us) . . . buuuuut then we missed out on it.

I’ll keep searching. I promise I’ll find us an awesome home that we’re all going to love.

The good news is that your Uncle Bobby came to visit this week. He stayed for a few days and then hurried back to New York. I think he has a girlfriend, but he won’t admit it yet. Don’t worry, I’ll get it out of him. (I just hope it’s not the girl I caught him with in New York . . . again, something I’ll tell you about when you’re thirty)


Week 11

Apparently you’re the size of figs this week. You’re still so small, so help me make sense of how I’m getting so big? This is ridiculous (Is now the time to admit that I don’t actually know what a fig is?)

You’re making my jeans very tight. Stop growing! I don’t want to buy maternity clothes yet. I’m not ready for that step. Right now, I’m able to hide you under baggy hoodies and winter coats, but it’s getting hard. I’ve seen people looking at me, their gazes lingering just a little too long, but I’m not big enough for anyone to risk asking just in case they’re wrong. We’re in that weird stage!

Aunty Cassie took me on a shopping trip, and I was such a bad mommy and didn’t tell her about you yet. I want to keep you all to myself—that’s a lame excuse, isn’t it? Aunty Cass is so close with all of your uncles, and I just don’t want to put her in the position of having to keep it from your daddy. It’s only right for him to hear it from me. Though to be honest, I’m surprised Cass didn’t notice our little bump, but she was very busy and concerned about finding some new “special” clothes for Uncle Jax.