I haven’t even told my parents yet.

For the first time in my life, I feel truly alone, and I only have myself to blame. To fill the void, I’ve started following a blog, and to be honest, I’m quite surprised by how much I’m enjoying it. I’ve never been one to indulge in blogs, but this one has me feeling as though I’m actually ready for how my life is going to change when these two crotch goblins arrive.

I found this blogger right after I got back from visiting Bobby in New York, and I’ve spent a lot of spare time reading her posts, not that I really have that much spare time between work and preparing life for two babies. In one of the posts, she raved about how she’d written a week-by-week journal of her pregnancy that her baby would be able to enjoy when she grew up.

The idea sat with me, and I soon found myself browsing my selection of empty notepads and selecting the prettiest one before diving straight in to document this crazy journey.

Week 1 – 4

I’m sorry, baby. I don’t really know what to write here. I guess . . . welcome to my guts! At this stage, I didn’t know you existed, sorry ’bout that! I wasn’t sick and didn’t have any of the signs that come along with the early stage of pregnancy, but if it makes it any better, I was on a health kick, so I was eating well and taking care of you, even though I had no idea you were there. I’ve even been exercising. One day, when you’re older, you’ll appreciate what a big deal that is!

So . . . I suppose, buckle in and get ready for what I’m sure is about to be a wild ride! I’ll be checking in with you soon.

Week 5

So . . . uhhhhh. I’m pretty sure I know you’re in there now after your Aunty Cassie made me realize I’m late for that time of the month—not that you want to hear about that. I’m sure that if you’re a boy, you’re thoroughly disgusted right now.

To be honest with you, I was kinda living in denial. Too scared to go to the drug store and grab a pregnancy test, because woah! Having a baby is a big deal, but I flew to New York to visit your Uncle Bobby and he knocked some sense into me. (By the way, the big buffoon is going to tell you all about his big hockey career and how he rocked it in New York. A word from the wise—it’s best just to smile and nod. Do not, under any circumstances, joke around and insist that your Uncle Jax is better. Trust me, it doesn’t end well!)

Anyway, I think I love you already. Who am I kidding? I know I do!


Week 7

Woah!!!!! There are two of you. What the hell, you guys? Way to throw a curveball at me. You’ve been cooking in there for seven weeks and only just decided to tell me? Poor form, guys!

I nearly collapsed in the doctor’s office. The poor woman had to sit me up and remind me how to breathe! Though I learned that you’re identical, just like your daddy and his brothers, but there are three of him. Kinda trippy if you ask me.

Good thing I’ve got a good job since I’ll have twice the baby shopping to do. I’ll probably have to start doing all that kinda stuff soon. Though I don’t know if I’m supposed to be buying pink or blue stuff. I’m thinking you’re blue babies, but just to play it safe, I think I’ll stick with neutral colors.

One thing is for sure, we’re not all going to fit in my small, one-bedroom apartment. I’m going to have to start looking for something bigger for us, but I suppose we’ll be alright until you guys start moving. Though, the thought of having to move after you’re born seems like a challenge I don’t want to face.

Do you think the city or the suburbs? I’m thinking a house in the suburbs with a yard for you two to run around in. How does that sound?

You sure are keeping me busy.

I saw your daddy this week, and to be honest, it was a little weird, but that’s a different story—one I’m sure I’ll spend hours telling you about when you’re bigger. Anyway, I was a bad mommy. It was the perfect opportunity to tell him about you guys, and I chickened out. I’m so sorry. I promise, I’ll tell him soon . . . I hope. I might be lying. There’s no telling just yet! I’ll keep you posted!

I know you need a daddy in your life, so even if Mommy and Daddy keep being silly, I promise, I’ll make sure he’s around for you. He truly is amazing, you’re going to love him just like I do.