
Jesus. A bottle of wine would go down really well right now.

I let out a breath and give her a warm smile before making my way out of the office, telling myself that I can handle this. I have Bobby by my side, and eventually, I’ll find the balls to tell Cass.

I’m going to be okay because, at the end of the day, I’m going to have two beautiful babies to love unconditionally, and I can’t fucking wait. A part of me hopes they’re little boys who’ll grow up looking just like their daddy with that same dark hair and gorgeous eyes. But the other part of me wishes they’ll look nothing like him because the constant reminder of Carter might just kill me.

Dropping into my car, I kick over the engine, but I just sit in my parking space, needing a moment to come to terms with everything. After twenty minutes pass, I decide it’s time to pull myself together. I have homework to do. I need to figure out which hospital I’d like to be admitted to, my birthing plan, who I want in the room, and if I’m going to be using the drugs, and well . . . obviously. I’m pushing out two babies. I’m gonna need all the drugs!

On top of all of this, I’m going to have to calculate twice the amount of supplies. Bottles, bassinets, maybe a double stroller. There is just so much to do.

Backing out of my parking space and getting back on the road, my gaze shifts across the screen of my car. Bobby’s number stares back at me from the home screen, and I can’t resist hitting call. It rings through Bluetooth a few times before his deep tone fills my car. “What’s up, assface?”

“You know that tiny one-bedroom apartment I have?” I ask, knowing just how fond he is of my new home.

“Yeah?” he questions, clearly having no idea where I’m going with this.

“I’m going to need a bigger one. I’m having twins.”

There’s only a second of silence before his booming laughter tears through my car and his amusement instantly has me wanting to claw his eyes out with a rusty fork. Then just to be a petty bitch and teach him a lesson, I end the call and drive my ass home.

Chapter 20


Barely three months pregnant, and I already feel like a beached whale.

What the hell was I thinking?

I can’t do this.

My bump is already protruding from my stomach, and I’m simply flabbergasted. Obviously I knew there would be a bump at some point, and considering there are two little crotch goblins in there, it would be bigger than any usual pregnancy, but this? Shit.

I’m already showing through my baggiest clothes. Not even a big winter coat can hide this pregnancy, and sooner rather than later, I’m going to have to admit defeat and start looking at maternity clothing.

Shit. Just thinking about how big I’m going to get makes me sick. I can’t even imagine it. When someone is full term, they’re huge, but with two . . . ugh. I’m terrified. Like how do I roll over in bed? How do I put my shoes on? Fuck, how will I pee a million times a day and reach between my legs simply to wipe? Holy cow. Though despite all of this, I know it’ll be worth it because in the end, after all the discomfort and agony of trying to propel them from my womb, I’ll have two gorgeous little munchkins that I will love and adore with everything I am. Hell, I already do.

I’ve been an awful friend to Cassie. I still haven’t told her, and I’m now at the stage where I can’t even say that I was waiting until the fear of an early miscarriage was over. The I just had a big lunch excuse is no longer going to work either, and when she realizes I’ve kept this from her, she’s going to be devastated. What kind of friend keeps something so huge from their best friend? These babies are going to be her nieces or nephews. She’s going to hate me.

Carter, on the other hand, deserves to know more than anyone. It’s disgusting that I haven’t told him yet, but I can’t bring myself to march over there and tear his world to shreds. He’s been a ghost since the hockey game, and I don’t know how I feel about it. I’ve been using the excuse that I want to wait until I see him to spill the news, but then I purposefully go about not seeing him to avoid the conversation.

In fact, I’ve avoided everyone I know, apart from Bobby, but he’s been holed up in New York, even though the hockey season is over, which makes me wonder if there’s someone special keeping him there. I go to work, specifically driving the long way to avoid his current builds just so I don’t have to see him on a job site, then I go straight back home and to bed.