She leans over into Cassie’s space and gives Georgia a beaming smile, and just like that, the two of them start fighting over who gets to hold the sleeping baby. And fuck, it shouldn’t have me smiling like this.

The arena eventually fills and Bobby joins the girls, but not before giving me a look that tells me to watch myself. But what else should I have expected? I’m sure Bobby has played a vital part in keeping Bri together, and for that I have nothing but respect and gratitude for him, even if it means he desperately wants to kick my ass.

As the game begins, the atmosphere in the arena picks up. Cassie, Bri, and Bobby are all on their feet cheering while Sean and I sit back, neither of us particularly in the mood. But the second Logan looks up here, we’ll both be sure to slap on a smile, maybe even wave our hands around a little.

As Bri sits down in her chair, her long hair flows over the backrest, and I try my hardest not to reach out and run my fingers through it. I can’t stop thinking about how good she’s doing. There’s no pouting or secret tears, and I realize Cassie was right, Bri really is starting to heal.

Her cheeks are no longer hollowed out, she’s laughing and looks strong. It’s fucking beautiful. She’s drinking a bottle of water rather than a soda, she ignores the guy walking around selling hot dogs, and the way her ass sits in those jeans also doesn’t go unnoticed.

As she watches the game, she reaches down into her handbag and pulls out a bottle of pills, and I lean forward in my seat, trying to peer at the label as she drops one into her hand and swallows it dry. My brows furrow. What the hell are they for? Is she sick or is she doing the whole healthy me daily vitamin thing? Bri’s hand is covering the label, and the curiosity is eating me up inside, but as Cass has pointed out a million times before, I haven’t got a right to know what’s going on in her life.

Bri drops the pills back into her handbag, and I start to convince myself that they’re just vitamins. She would have absolutely no need to be taking medication, and even if she did, I’m sure Cassie would have told me if she was sick.

Satisfied with my conclusion, I sit back in my chair and try to relax, but it doesn’t stop the overwhelming need to dive over the seats and run away with her handbag until I can uncover all her secrets. Fuck, I’m so pathetic.

Bri finally gets to steal Georgia, and in the move, accidentally wakes her up. Her little blue eyes look up at Bri, and a smile instantly lights up her beautiful face. “Hi, princess. Did you have a good sleep?” she coos, her voice flowing to me even over the noise of the rowdy crowd. “You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to have one of you.”

I watch in adoration as two of the world’s most beautiful creatures find comfort in one another, and as I do, Sean leans into my side, motioning down to Bri and Georgia. “You can’t tell me you don’t want that.”

“If I did, don’t you think I would have knocked her up already?”

“Quit lying to yourself,” he scoffs, almost sounding frustrated with the situation. “Since Georgia was born, you’ve been different. You do everything for that baby, and it fucking terrifies you that you love her so much.”

I let out a breath. “I don’t know, man,” I say. “She’s my niece. Of course I’m going to love her, but that doesn’t automatically mean I want one of my own.”

Sean lets out a heavy breath and shakes his head, averting his gaze back to the game as he prepares to give me some kind of deep wisdom. “Look, I’ve kept my mouth shut hoping you’d figure it out on your own, but you’re being a fucking idiot,” he growls under his breath, making sure the girls can’t overhear us. “Surely Sara’s death has shown you just how fucking precious life is. It’s unpredictable, and in the blink of an eye, it could all be gone. And what you have with Bri, that’s fucking rare, man, and you’re throwing it all away. Stop being such a scared prick and take a chance. I was terrified when I found out Sara was pregnant, but that’s no excuse not to give it a fucking try. Now that Georgia is here, I’ve realized how much of a gift a child is. My wife is dead, Carter, and I’d do anything to get her back, while you’re sitting here, selfishly pushing Bri aside because you’re too fucking scared to admit what you really want in life.” He takes a quick moment to compose himself before continuing. “You’re missing out on a chance to find the greatest happiness, and fulfillment known to man because you’re too busy being a fucking pussy, and it’s really starting to piss me off. Fucking grab her and don’t let go. Have all the children in the world. Marry her and wake up every fucking morning seeing the smile on her face, because when it’s gone, like really fucking gone, you would have wished that you gave her the world.”