Turning around, I hurry back to the staff room, collect the damn hailstones, and a few minutes later, I unlock my classroom door and watch as my rowdy kids hurry into the room, more than ready to finish off their day.

Chapter 17


Why the fuck are there so many different brands of pregnancy tests? This is ridiculous. I stand in the airport pharmacy, looking at the range of tests before me, and realize just how out of my depth I am.

It’s been a week and three days since that phone call with Cassie, and I’ve been going insane. I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to even consider taking a test, but I guess the second I do it, it makes it all too real. And honestly, I’m terrified of what it might say.

Something inside me screams that it’s real, and to tell the truth, I’m scared. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Do I tell Carter and risk him hating me? Do I not tell him and risk him finding out through someone else? Do I raise this child on my own or force Carter into something he doesn’t want?

Fuck. I hate this so much.

My tits have started hurting this week, which makes me realize that I’m living in denial, especially considering my period still hasn’t shown up. I need to take this stupid test and confirm what I already know to be true so I can start taking the right precautions. I’ll need to make a doctor’s appointment and get an ultrasound, then I’ll need a shitload of vitamins for my growing baby.

Crap. This isn’t happening.

I’ve never felt so alone in my life.

This whole baby thing has consumed my every thought for the past ten days. I think I’ve slept maybe three or four hours each night, and that only comes from pure exhaustion. So here I am, taking the next few days off work to fly my ass to New York to see Bobby. Hopefully he can help me see things clearly, maybe even force me to get a few hours of sleep.

I haven’t even confirmed it, and I feel as though I already love this little creature within me.

Hearing the announcement for my flight to board, I hastily grab one of every brand of pregnancy test off the shelf and rush through the self-service checkout, wanting to avoid the knowing looks I’m sure the old grandma behind the counter is bound to give me.

I race across the airport and join the line for my flight as I stuff the bag of tests into my handbag and search for my boarding pass.

A few hours later, the plane touches down, and I grab my luggage from the baggage claim before ordering an Uber and making my way outside. I eventually get my ass firmly seated in the back of a car before finally pulling up to the front of Bobby’s building.

Getting in the elevator, I head all the way up to the top before entering his code to gain access to the penthouse.

Ever since Bobby signed on the dotted line and became the next best thing in the NHL, he’s been living it up and enjoying life like the world’s most eligible bachelor. I don’t blame him. We don’t come from a wealthy family, so it’s a huge deal for him, and not to mention, he shares the love with his twin sister, and I’m always down with that. He loves spoiling me, and I can’t find it within me to tell him no.

“Yo, Bobby?” I call out as the elevator opens straight into his fancy apartment.

Making my way inside his home, I start searching around when I get no response. Though it’s not like I called first. There’s a good chance he’s not even home, and honestly, with these pregnancy tests burning a hole in my pocket, that’s really going to piss me off.

Seeing his phone and wallet on the kitchen counter, I realize he must be here somewhere, so my searching kicks up to stalker mode.

Dumping my bag on the table, I head down the hallway and knock on the bathroom door, hoping like fuck I’m not catching him in the middle of taking a shit. Thankfully I get no response, leaving only his bedroom left to check.

Rolling my eyes, I keep striding down the hall. That big bastard has always loved a good afternoon nap. He’s such a grandpa.

Carelessly pushing my way into his room, I throw my hand up and beam at the big asshole. “SURPRI—OH FUCK, NO!” My eyes burn as I come to a screeching halt, finding my twin brother with a girl wrapped around his body, bouncing up and down, the sound of her ass slapping against his thighs.

Bobby’s eyes widen in horror, and he all but grabs the girl by the hips and launches her off the bed as I slap my hands over my eyes, hastily backing out of the room. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK. Yuck, Bobby.”