It’s been two long hours of torture when a familiar voice sounds at the top of the hallway. “What the fuck are you all doing here?” Sean demands. “I said I’d call when it’s time to come.”

“Like that was ever going to happen,” Cassie scoffs, her eyes still closed before groaning and sitting up.

Sean rolls his eyes and makes his way toward us. “I should have known,” he mutters, shaking his head in exasperation before collapsing down onto one of the chairs, looking more exhausted than Logan. Though I can’t imagine how exhausted Sara must be.

“What’s going on?” I ask. “How’s Sara doing?”

“Amazing so far,” he says, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth as an almighty yawn comes tearing out of him. “She’s only about halfway dilated, so it’ll still be a little while.”

“So, what are you doing out here then?” Logan grunts. “Shouldn’t you be in there catering to her every need?”

“Yeah, she sent me for ice chips, but honestly, I think she just kicked me out so she could talk shit about me to the midwives,” he says, amusement in his eyes. “Either way, I’m hungry and my hand needs a break.” With that, he holds his hand up to show us the claw marks carved into his skin. “She likes to squeeze. It helps her deal with the contractions.”

“That’s fair enough,” Elle smiles. “Obviously I’ve never experienced it before, but my friend Jaz and I watched a birthing video once, and I’ve never been the same since. It was horrifying. Best birth control I’ve ever seen.”

Cass laughs. “I wonder if it’s the same video my dad made me watch when he found out that Jax and I were dating. I still have the mental scars. I cross my legs every time I think about it.”

Elle laughs as she relaxes back into Logan’s side, her lips pressing into a firm line. “Sara must be in so much pain,” she muses. “Just the thought of it scares me.”

Cass sighs in agreement before glancing up at Sean. “How far apart are the contractions?”

“Every few minutes,” he says.

“Shit, she doesn’t even get a chance to catch her breath, and you’re out here thinking about your stomach and how much your hand hurts. Fucking hell, Sean. You don’t have time to eat. Get your ass back in there for her next contraction. I swear, if you miss even one, she’ll hold it over you for the rest of your lives.”

Sean’s eyes widen, realizing just how right Cass is. “Oh fuck. You’re right,” he says, shooting back to his feet. “I better go find the ice chips and get back in there.”

“Quit stressing,” Cassie says as she goes about getting to her feet. “There’s a vending machine down the other end of the waiting room. I’ll grab you something to eat and Jax can find the ice chips. You go be with Sara and we’ll bring everything to the door.”

Relief flashes in Sean’s eyes as Cassie goes to step forward, but her tied shoelaces have her tumbling forward. “Fuck,” she screeches as both Jax and Sean dart toward her, catching her by the arms before she falls.

A grin tears over my face, and I try my best to smother it, but it’s too hard, and the wicked snickers burst out of me. The moment Cassie rights herself, she spins on me, fire burning in her eyes as Sean disappears back down the hallway. “You’re going to regret that, Carter Waters,” she declares.

My wide grin morphs into a wicked smirk, and I lean forward with her challenge. “Bring it on, little sister.”

She steps out of her shoes, kicking them into my shins, and before I know it, she’s flying at me, her arms and legs going wild. She crashes into me, her knee way too close to smacking into my junk, and I do my best not to drop her while she does her best to beat the ever-loving shit out of me for sweet revenge. And while she’s not a kid anymore, she’s still only five-foot-nothing and incapable of causing any real damage.

Laughing, I grab her hands and hold them behind her back, rendering her useless. “Yo, Jax. Come and get your wife.”

“Nah,” he mutters, burying his hands in his pockets. “She’s your problem now. I gotta find ice chips.”

Cass lets out a groan before turning her narrowed gaze on me. “Let me go, you big bastard,” she demands.

“Only if you admit that I’m your favorite,” I tell her.

“Oooh,” she laughs. “Seems someone is still a little hurt that I let Logan walk me down the aisle. What’s the matter, Carter? Jealous? We all know Sean was my second choice. Tell me, where does that put you?”

“Wrong answer,” I grin.

“Quit fucking around,” Logan scolds as he gets out of his seat and rescues Cass, knowing damn well this could go on for hours. He fixes Cass with a hard stare. “You promised Sean you’d get him something to eat and you know Jax is gonna get lost finding his way back here.”