Fuck, I hate when he’s right. “Fine,” I groan, giving up. “I’ll go back in.”

“That’s the spirit,” he says. “Can I go now?”

“Yeah,” I say, desperately wishing we could have had this conversation face-to-face instead of on the phone, miles away from each other. “Love you.”

“Love you, assface,” he says before ending the call.

With a smile, I get up off the little stool feeling a heaviness in my veins, and I go to walk back inside the bar when I find myself pausing and pulling out my phone once again, madly hashing out a text.

Brianna – Did you happen to tell Carter about my date? I think he’s got his wires crossed because the assbag seemed to think it was an invitation and crashed.

Cass responds instantly.

Cassie – HE DID WHAT? FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!! I’m gonna kill him. I’m so sorry, Bri. We were having a talk this morning and he was checking up on you after the accident last night. He’s still hurting, just like you, so I mentioned you were going on a date to ease him into it, so he wasn’t blindsided. I never thought he’d show up like that. Fuck, he makes me so angry. I’ll talk to him, make sure he knows where the boundaries lie. Are you okay?

Brianna – No, not really, but I’ll be fine. What’s my date’s name again?

Cassie – Only you would forget your date’s name while you were in the middle of the date! It’s Xavier.

Brianna – Thanks. xx

Cassie – Remember, you don’t have to suck his dick on the first date, but if you smile and pretend that you will, he’s more likely to buy you extra drinks.

Ugh, it’s just like her to offer a little support, but I don’t think I need it right now, no dicks will be sucked tonight. The poor guy is lucky I’m going back in at all.

Without responding, I tuck my phone away and stride back into the bar, holding my head high, determined to try and enjoy this. Xavier sits at the table and I walk up with a smile before dropping back down into my chair.

“Is everything okay?” he questions, an understandable hesitation in his tone.

“Honestly, no,” I tell him. “It’s been a rough few months and an even rougher night for me, but if you’re willing to give me a second chance, I’d like to see if we could start this date over.”

“Sure thing,” he says as he stands and holds out his hand like a perfect gentleman. “I’m Xavier, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Brianna.”

What the hell was I thinking dating this guy?

The first date was nice, it ended on a high and I allowed him to kiss me on the cheek. He opened doors for me, paid the bill, and was a perfect gentleman, so I agreed to go on a second.

Big fucking mistake.

Xavier is a grade-five clinger.

Our second date consisted of dinner at my place followed by the teensiest amount of fooling around. My bits never got touched, and I sure as hell wasn’t ready to fondle him, but honestly, after the mess of saliva he left across my face, I’m assuming he wouldn’t know what to do with my lady bits anyway.

He left super late after I “cooked” a nice dinner. We hung out and watched a movie on the couch while I ate ice cream straight from the carton. But when he attempted to hold my hand, shit got weird. I’ve never been a big hand-holder. Carter was the only man I’ve ever done it with, and that was purely because I couldn’t get enough of him and needed to be touching him as much as I physically could. Before him, never.

After our first date, my walls were down, so I gave Xavier my number, which is where I went wrong because he won’t fucking leave me alone. He texts me while I’m working, while I’m grocery shopping, while I’m driving, while I’m sleeping in the middle of the fucking night, and when I don’t respond, the calls start. I mean, shit. My phone doesn’t have enough data to deal with this kind of insanity.

Like I said. Grade-five clinger. He’s starting to give me serial killer vibes.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s super nice and fun to look at. I’m even considering jumping in the sack with him just to see if he’s got what it takes to get me off. Then I can get rid of him. I’m just worried there’ll be tears when I do . . . and not from me.

So maybe it’s been nice to have someone who cares, but it’s not going to go anywhere romantic. I’m already unable to stand the guy. I’ll give it a few more days of fun and then it’s over. My time with him is turning into my drug to block the thoughts of Carter. It’s good, but only lasts a little while, and lately, it’s not working at all.