Fuck, I love this big idiot so much.

“I hope so,” I tell him.

“I know so. Now get your ass out of bed. I bought you a bottle of wine and Chinese food, and I’m gonna be pissed if it gets cold.”

I doubt I could eat right now, but the bottle of wine sounds good, so I let him drag me out of bed and into the kitchen, despite my night of heavy drinking. Bobby serves me up a plate of food and shoves it into my hands, not taking no for an answer, and I try my hardest to eat it, but all I do is push it around the plate.

A list of things I need to do piles up in my mind, and at the very top is finding my own place to live. With wine in my veins and a new determination, I get up and find Bobby’s iPad before returning to my spot. I search through all the available listings, and in the space of two seconds, that determination crumbles. There’s absolutely nothing.

With a groan, I push the iPad away.

“What are you doing?” he questions, a mouth full of fried rice.

“I need to find somewhere to live,” I tell him.

“That you do,” he agrees. “But there’s no rush. My home is yours until you find the perfect place to call your own.”

“Thanks,” I say with a tight smile.

It’s probably for the best. I love Bobby, and being around him is going to help keep my mind off Carter. The only downfall is that he’s in the NHL and plays for a team in New York. He managed to get a few days off for the wedding, but he’ll be returning to New York soon, which is when shit is going to get way too hard.

I need to find a way to be strong while he’s gone and while I’m waiting for Cassie to return. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, but for now, all I can do is throw back this bottle of wine and hope for the best.

Hearing a text come through on my phone, I groan as I get up and find it laying somewhere in the messy sheets of my bed, and as I go to check it, my blood runs cold. Maybe it’s Carter texting to say this was all some sick joke. Maybe he takes it back and wants to give this a try. Maybe we could compromise, start off small, maybe get a dog or a snake. He’ll eventually see that we belong together. He has to . . . right?

Unlocking my phone, my hopes plummet as I see it’s just a text from Cassie, and letting out a sigh, I click on the notification and watch as her words appear on the screen.

Cassie – Hey, sorry about this morning. I was so exhausted! I had such a great night. I can’t believe how magical it was. Hope you’re having a great day. We’re just about to board the plane for Italy, so I’ll check in with you when we get there. Xx

I suck it up as I reply to her text.

Bri – I hope you have a great honeymoon. I love you so much. Your wedding was absolutely beautiful. I’m so proud of you. Make sure you send heaps of photos and have a safe flight. Xxx

Cassie – Thanks, Bri. I love you, too. Tell my idiot brother I love him as well.

Shit. That stung.

Bri – Will do, Cass.

Chapter 6


What a fucked-up day.

I let the love of my life walk out the door, after shattering her heart and destroying any hope she held of building a life with me. I’d give anything to want that with her, to be able to give her everything she needs.

She’s never going to talk to me again, hell, she won’t even be able to look at me. I tore her to shreds. I just wish I would have realized sooner just how deeply she wanted that, and yet, I can’t bring myself to regret the two years I spent loving her. But Bri was right. I let her waste two years of her life falling in love with the wrong man.

I’m nothing but a selfish prick.

I sit in my too-empty house, these four walls no longer feeling like a home, as I make my way through a bottle of whiskey, desperately trying to numb the pain. Bobby came to collect all her shit, and it was fucking tragic—the final nail cracking into place and cementing the fact that I let her go. Bobby was two seconds away from beating the living shit out of me, and I didn’t even care. In fact, I would have welcomed it.

Those tears killed me. I should have gone after her. I never should have let her walk out the door, and I never should have broken her heart. I should have manned up and given her the life she so desperately craves, despite my feelings on marriage and kids.