Santino is last in line. An adorable scowl takes hold of his features, preventing me from deluding myself that he enjoys watching me kiss the other two men instead of him.

"Best for last." Leaning in, I kiss Santino.

He sticks his nose in the air. "You kissed Marcello and Lazaro first."

Lazaro palms his forehead. "What’s happening? Are you back in kindergarten?"

Santino refuses to look at Lazaro. "Next time, Jericho would be wise to givemethe first kiss. Then, I won’t feel so left out."

I try to contain my laughter. Ireallydo.

"It looks like I have two Littles to take care of." Reaching out, I take Santino and Lazaro’s hands in mine. "It’s okay, Daddy Santino. You’ll live."

"He’s just cranky because he hasn’t had his afternoon nap," Lazaro explains.

Santino glares at Lazaro. "You get all Jericho’s affection.Not fair."

Marcello can’t resist the urge to shake with laughter. "I’m the only Daddy left."

Leaving my two man-children in the lurch, I leap onto Marcello’s lap and thread my fingers through his hair. "You get all my love from now on."

Marcello growls—in an ultra-growly masculine, sexy-as-hell alpha male wolf voice. "That’s the spirit."

We kiss—passionately. I plunge my tongue between his lips, adoring the way he claims me.

He sucks my lower lip, which causes a tingle to work its way up my spine.

Santino smirks as he watches our display of affection. "Give it to him good, Marcello."

Removing my lips from Marcello, I face Santino. "I thought you were mad at Marcello."

"Nah." Santino cracks open a can of beer and leans back. "You’re too hot when you kiss him. I could watch this all day."

That’s when Lazaro pulls something out of his pocket. Dropping to his knees, he takes my hand in his.

"It’s time, baby boy. Yes—we already agreed to get married the morning after your kidnapping. I won’t pretend to forget that. But we never actuallyproposed."

Santino drops to one knee next. "I didn’t realize we were doing it right now."

"Me, neither." Extricating himself from my arms, Marcello joins his brothers on the ground—and tugs out a ring of his own.

I stare at each of my Daddies, tears welling in my eyes. "Oh my goodness!"

Marcello takes my hand in his. "You’ve made me the happiest man on Earth. How I lived before I met you, I’ll never know. You’ve also helped me answer a mystery for the ages—why does the sun rise in the morning? Now I know. It’s coming to say hello to you."

Santino massages my hand that’s wrapped in Marcello’s. "Marry us, boy. No, it won’t be a 'legal' ceremony—four-way relationships aren’t yet. We have to fight for our right to marry who we want. But we shall be married in the court of love. That’s the one that matters most."

Before these men swept me off my feet, I was a broken boy running away from love. No man wanted me due to my past.

Now, I’m whole-hearted. These three amazing partners—each unique in his own way—love me for me.

I welcome Lazaro’s ring onto my special marriage finger first. "This is beautiful."

It’s pink—and shaped like a tiny teacup. Oh, it’s adorable.

Santino and Marcello slide their rings on next. Each is unique: one is a flower, and one is shaped like a Christmas tree.

Tears well in my eyes. "This one’s a Christmas blessing."