Bullets smack into the shark, and the shark screams and tries to chomp them, but it doesn’t work.

Blood fills the blue turquoise, fizzing out in every direction.

I take the opportunity to take Petrie.Wham.

His body flies to the floor, and I kick his hand for good measure—which cracks it.

Petrie screams, blood pumping out of his hand, shooting all over the submarine. "Oh, Christ!"

Giuseppe rushes to his side. "It’s okay. Get the bandages."

"Oh." Faro smirks as he pulls something out from behind his back. "Thesebandages?"

He heads to the window of the submarine—then opens it and throws the bandages out.

He must not have thought this through—because no sooner has he tossed them into the sea, then a giant barrage of water pours into the room and floods everything.

"You idiot!" Giuseppe screams, leaping up onto a box. "You flooded the joint!"

The shark sniffs us and swims inside. It roars as it chomps at Faro, trying to eat him.

Faro swims to the far side of the submarine and takes me and Giosuè’s hands in his. "On the count of three, we kick to the surface."

I nod. There’s no other option. "I’m game."

Petrie shoots the shark in the skull. "Fuck off, shark."

Giosuè sniffles. "Don't hurt Mr. Shark."

"Baby shark," Faro drawls, beginning to sing—until I cut him off.

"Have some maturity," I snap, "now is not the time."

We hold each other’s hands like best friends who have each other’s backs no matter what and swim.

Oh, do we swim or what.

We kick to the surface, and our heads burst above the water.

Our three Daddies are still shooting at the shark.




When Lazaro sees us, he roars as he zooms to our sides, then heaves us onto his jet ski. "You’re safe!"

I hug Lazaro as tight as I can. Time stops as emotion barrels through me, melting my heart.

"You came for me, Daddy." I bring my face super close to his, so close I could kiss him.

Lazaro breathes heavily as he cups my jaw. "We thought you were… using the potty… the big potty and maybe you fell in… we were so scared."

"I didn’t fall in," I whisper, wrapping my arms around him. "I went crab-catching with Faro and Giosuè—and then the Riccardis kidnapped us in their big submarine."

That’s when a rumbling sound reaches our ears.