They nod. "Of course."

When they’re gone, Lazaro hugs me. "I like playing with you so much."

I wrap my arms around him. "Same, Daddy."



Wedding bells, baby!

Wait—no. I’m not the right person to tell y’all about this.

Everyone in this damn house (there are too many people here for even me to keep track of) is bugging me.

I’d better let someone else take the reins.


Wedding bells. Is that better, Nonna?


You’re not going to take this seriously. Find someone else to narrate. I like Jericho. He’ll do a great job.


Ahhhh—a Luciano family wedding.

Sunshine rolls across the olive grove as my Daddies’ family settles into their seats.

Late last night (long after me and my Daddies had fallen asleep), Cyan and Enzo apparently grew fed up with waiting for their Daddies to "plan" their weddings.

Was everyone drinking limoncello? Yes. Was this impulsive as hell? Of course.

Well—as I’m learning,everythingwith this family is impulsive.

They’re not really a clan of planners. That can be a good thing sometimes. It’s easy to get bogged down in the planning stage instead of ever taking action.

Still, their sudden ability to change course or even chart a new path on a moment’s notice gives me whiplash.

I’m just here to watch the show.

Lazaro takes my hand in his. "Are you excited for my cousins’ weddings?"

I turn to Lazaro… and fight back a smile. Christ—almighty.Lazaro, in his beautiful sweet glory, looks good enough to eat. He’s like those cakes that were popular on social media last year that were shaped like tools, bottles, and everyday household objects. He’s a Daddy cake—one filled with sugary fluff.

I grimace. "Isthatwho’s getting married?"

Lazaro palms his forehead. "You should know this, boy."

I push out a breath. "I’ve met like fifty thousand of your family members. I can’t keep track."

"Cyan and Enzo are tying the knot with Amedeo and Tommaso." Lazaro massages my lower back.

"Ahhh. I got you."

Marcello approaches us with champagne. "Wedding time, sweet boy."