Cyan nods. "That’s way harder."

Tommaso pinches the bridge of his nose. "Not really."

"Yes, really," Enzo volleys.

"No," Tommaso growls. "Youtry putting up with your ass all damn day—see if you don't go nuts."

Enzo bats his eyelashes. "I’d love hanging out with me. I’d be my very best friend."

Nonno and Nonna sing an old Italian folk song as Romeo and Isabella pass fresh bottles of limoncello around.

The song isOn Top Of Spaghetti,a classic.

We shout the words out together, and when we reach the end, all the Daddies tickle their boys until they squeal with laughter.

Nonno plugs his ears. "I’m starting to regret ever introducing this family to kink."

Nonna does the same. "Me, too. I feel like a kindergarten teacher—only my students are incredibly annoying adults."

Isabella fixes Nonna with a look. "Don't speak about your grandchildren that way, mother."

Nonna shrugs. "I said what I said and I meant what I meant. I’m too old to lie to anyone, much less myself—y’all are annoying."

Everyone turns to glare at Nonna. "No saying y’all," Tommaso reminds her.

Nonna rises to her feet. "Someone needs to teach all of you—yes, even you Daddies—a super fun game. It’s one that’ll be great foreveryone."

We all share a look. What game?

I decide to ask. "We’d love to learn about this fun game."I love games.

"It’s called mouse," Nonna says. "First one to talk loses."

"That’s not fair—" Faro begins, before clamping his hand over his lips.

"You’re out." Nonna smirks at Faro. "Loser."

Jako rubs Faro’s hair. "It’s okay, baby boy. You’re a winner in my book—"

"Also out." Nonna shoots Jako a look. "Who else wants to lose?"

"Is there a prize if we win?" Cyan queries. "Or will we merely avoid your wrath?"

"Out." Nonna’s enjoying this game a bit too much.

Cyan pouts. "I was asking a question!"

"Too bad, sucker." Nonna isn’t in the mood for sass. "I explained all the rules you needed to know at the beginning of the game. You chose to talk."

We all stay silent—well, not for long. Some of us begin to blab and ramble on as we tend to do.

At the end of the night—only one person hasn’t spoken.


"You won, dear son-in-law." Nonna kisses Romeo’s cheek.

Romeo smirks. "It’s easy when I’m competing against these loons."