Cyan turns to Amedeo. "Daddy—I want to get married. When will our wedding be?"

Amide sighs. "I already told you, boy. Daddy’s planning a surprise."

Enzo sniffs. "I want a joint wedding with Cyan."

Mattie turns to Medici. "When willourwedding be, Daddy?"

Medici kisses Mattie’s neck. "Daddy’s planning it. It’s going to be perfect—with lots of clouds."

Mattie’s cheeks flush pink. "Well, if there’ll be clouds, take your time."

Medici crooks a brow. "Did you bring Cloudy?"

Mattie lifts his favorite stuffy. "How could I forget?"

Medici roasts a golden marshmallow, then makes a s’more—and then brings it to Cloudy.

Cloudy "gobbles it down," i.e. Mattie consumes it and makes growling noises that seem to be emanating from Cloudy’s lips.

Enzo waggles his eyebrows. "I didn’t realize Cloudy liked s’mores."

"Those are his favorite food," Mattie explains. "After chicken sandwiches."

Medici rubs Mattie’s belly. "You like your chicken sandwiches, don't you, boy?"

Mattie whines as he leans back, surrendering to Medici’s belly rubs. "Yes, Daddy."

Xavier threads his fingers through mine. "Would you like a s’more, baby boy?"

I blush. "Yes, please."

Xavier rams a fresh marshmallow on a roasting stick, then places it next to the embers. We watch in awe as the orange embers turn the outside golden brown, then make it bubble up.

The marshmallow stays in the flames a bit too long—poof.

I laugh and clap, then urge Xavier to try another one.

Daddy does as requested—good man.He’s careful this time, and when he pulls the marshmallow out, it’s ready to eat.

I don't even bother with the graham crackers or chocolate. I pop it in my mouth as soon as it’s cooled—yum.

Xavier rubs my belly. "You’re too cute when you eat marshmallows."

I lick my lips, then whine as I stare at my sticky fingers. "Sticky, Daddy."

"Pop them in Xavier’s mouth," Faro rasps, shooting me a dirty look. "Oh, yeah."

I crack my neck. "Whatever you’re doing, stop."

Jako chuckles. "Quit teasing your brother, sweet Faro."

Faro smirks. "We both know I’m not reallysweet."

Xavier pops my fingers in his mouth. He licks each one, swirling his tongue around the pads, before kissing my delicate nails.

"Daddies have it so tough," Xavier groans, drying my fingers on my dress. "We have to lick sticky things, dry fingers, and ensure our boys always have treats."

"Boys have it tougher," Ryder teases. "Wehave to wait impatiently while our Daddies do all those things—without throwing a fit."