Jako’s eyes lock on mine. The tenderest hearts swell within his irises, red and pink and beautiful.

He pecks my lips. "I wouldn’t miss it for the world."



The bonfire crackles as every Luciano clan member roasts marshmallows. Some impale them on sticks—others use their bare hands, which is something I’ve never seen before.

My brothers and crazy cousins are daring each other to see how long they can roast their marshmallows before their fingers burn. Not everyone is participating, but enough are to, I’m sure, give Xavier second thoughts about being part of my family.

Nonna cracks out a laugh. "Y’all are crazy."

"Don't say y’all, Nonna," Vincenzo grits out. "You’re not from the American South."

"We just had this conversation, boy." Nonna scorches Vincenzo with the fiercest glare in her arsenal. "I’ve lived long enough on this planet to be able to use whatever slang I want."

Cyan rolls his eyes. "You wouldn’t like it if I said an offensive Italian word."

Nonna lances Cyan with a glare. "You’re supposed to be on my side."

"I am," Cyan says with a snort. "But Vincenzo has a point."

Ryder pats Vincenzo’s shoulder. "Did you hear that, Daddy? One of my friends said something about you without it being at your expense. You’re moving up in the world."

Vincenzo’s eyes turn to slits. At last, he smiles at his boy and nods. "It’s about damn time."

"Oh, please." Cyan won’t listen to these apparent lies. "We compliment Vincenzotons—quit being a drama queen."

Ryder sticks out his tongue. "I’m telling the truth."

Vincenzo glares at Cyan. "You and Enzo do nothing but talk shit about me. It doesn’t matter where I go or who I rescue—all I ever hear is how annoying I am. I’m sick of it. I’m a great person, damnit. I deserve to be treated with respect."

"To be fair," Cyan drawls, turning to Enzo. "We talk mad shit about everyone here."

Enzo nods. "No lies detected."

Tommaso squeezes Enzo’s hand. "Daddy will teach you not to do that, boy."

Enzo pushes out a snort. "I’m not stopping anytime soon."

"Gossiping about people is the only fun a boy has in this world," Cyan gushes, nudging Enzo’s ribs. "Especiallywhen the boy—err, boys—in question have to deal with their best friend being married while they’re still waiting on their Daddies to plan their damn wedding. Boys in that situation have nothing else to do—hence why they have to run their mouths."

Vincenzo ticks his left brow up. "I’m here for the drama."

Amedeo claws back a growl. "We’replanningyour weddings, boys. Don't get your panties in a wad."

"I don’t wear panties." Enzo sticks his button nose up. "Only Cyan does."

Tommaso kisses Enzo’s cheek. "You can wear panties anytime you want around me. I don't mind."

"I’mthe one who loves panties." Mattie decides this is an excellent time to make his debut in tonight’s conversation.

Medici massages his thigh. "Fuck yeah, you are."

Mattie turns to Medici with hearts in his eyes. "I’ll always wear panties around you, Daddy. The prettier, the better."

Medici turns to me. "Thanks for helping my baby boy feel comfortable with who he is. If he’d never bumped into you at Little Store that one day, he might’ve never owned his true self."