When I open my eyes, Jericho is two inches away from my face. "There you are, Bentley. Welcome back to the world—no closing your eyes during playtime. And you must always use your words, it’s not okay if you don’t. You’ll never learn to talk like a grown-up—you have to practice if you ever want to be taken seriously. It’s a learned skill, but that’s okay. I’ll help you. Enjoy your juice—drink your fill."

My heart fills with so much warmth as I bring the bottle back to my lips. I slurp—swallowing it in one gulp.

Roman plops down beside me and rubs my back. "How are you feeling?"

"Small." I shake as I rest against Roman. "Little."

Roman chuckles as he kisses my temple. "You two are adorable."

Lazaro glares at his two brothers. "You two never played withmelike that growing up."

Marcello pushes out a groan. "Did youwantus to?"

Lazaro shrugs. "Wouldn’t hurt."

Santino pats Lazaro’s head. "Okay, crybaby. We’ll play stuffy soldiers with you—even though you’re in your thirties."

Lazaro sticks his chin up. "Too little, too late. Jericho is a better brother to Bentley than you’ll ever be to me."

Jericho lifts himself off the ground. Walking to Lazaro’s side, he settles onto his lap.

"It’s okay, Daddy." Jericho wraps his arms around Lazaro’s neck, then unites their cheeks. "I’ll play with you lots. Marcello and Santino don't have to be there—we’ll do it just us two. Stuffies. Toy soldiers. Anything you want. Daddies like playing, too. Not only their boys."

I nod. "It’s terrible to think that only boys desire playtime. The best players are sometimes Daddies."

Roman massages my back. "Listen to those sage words of wisdom that bubbleth from thine lips. Where dost those cometh from, my boy?"

I bury myself in Roman’s chest. "They cometh from the depthseths of my souleth, Daddyeth."

Jericho holds Lazaro tight. It’s the sweetest thing ever, because clearly Lazaro has some desire to play like Jericho and me.

Oh, my God—I wonder if Lazaro could be a Little Daddy. I’ve heard of this before—my bestie Macon said that he saw this at a kink club where he was filming a porn video with his Daddy Aleksei once.

Little Daddies are Daddies that have a Little side, too. They’re the kink equivalent of being verse—or maybe in kink, there are no set rules or roles, and everyone is fluid, everyone can be one or both things or neither, or somewhere in between.

Marcello crooks a smirk. "You’re so cute, Jericho."

Jericho presses his forehead on Lazaro’s chest. "Daddy Lazaro and I are sharing a moment right now. Give us a few minutes."



"Thanks for meeting me, Faro and Giosuè."

My two little brothers issue me curt nods. "Our pleasure."

I push out a breath. "I’ve got to talk through a few things—things I didn’t ever think I’d have to acknowledge about myself."

There’s no one better to chat about my conflicting desires with than Faro and Giosuè. Their youth means that they come from a new generation—one that’s less inclined to label everything, or stay focused on fixed roles.

Hell—Giosuè’s as fluid as it can get. He’s not a man or woman, but somewhere in between, as far as I gets me. If anyone understands, it’ll be him.

Faro pops open a can of soda. "Is this about you being a Little Daddy?"

My brow crinkles. "Excuse me?"

How the hell did this get out already? Jesus!