I take Giosuè in my arms. He cries tears of happiness, which melts my heart.

Oh, how glad I am for him. Sometimes, you worry about your friends finding their forever partners—you fear their idiosyncrasies will prevent them from stumbling across true love.

Giosuè’s femme qualities aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. A lot of Daddies are like boys in terms of their attractions—they only want mature beefcakes to breed. That’s why I’ve never found a Daddy of my own.

The fact that Xavier is not only willing to give Giosuè a chance, but he’scrazyabout him, proves that true love is still out there. You simply have to keep searching.

"And Xavier is sane?" I tick Giosuè’s head up. "He’s not some psycho who’ll chop you into pieces and put your body parts in a vase on his mantle?"

Giosuè cracks his neck. "Where the hell did you get that morbid image?"

A snort escapes me. "I watched a lot of horror movies growing up."

Giosuè shakes his head. "Xavier wouldn’t hurt me."

That’s when another rustle sounds in the bushes. "There you are, beautiful boy."

I look to my right—and see a man sit next to Giosuè.

Giosuè squeals as he thrusts his arms around the man’s neck. "Daddy Xavier!"

"I was wondering where you went. Your cousin Vincenzo told me you were probably out in the olive grove with Dino."

"Wait." I furrow my brow. "Everyone knows I’m out here?"

"Yes," Xavier says, not missing a beat. "Everyone laughed when Vincenzo said that."

Giosuè’s jaw drops. "Oh hell no."

I cross my arms over my chest. "That’s not cool."

Xavier bites his lower lip. "They teased a man named Romeo and told him that you were going to lose interest if he didn’t make a move. Romeo grumbled and slammed a glass on the table, before saying that everyone needed to leave him the hell alone."

I slump on my right hand. "They need to quit teasing poor Romeo. He can’t take this vitriol."

Giosuè turns to Xavier. "Meet my best friend, Dino."

Xavier sticks out his hand. "How do you do?"

I shake it, then take Xavier in. He’s a handsome, muscular man with kind eyes and a chiseled jaw. I can see why Giosuè was attracted to him at once—it’d be hard not to be.

"Where’s Rosey Sunshine, Daddy?" Giosuè’s voice is soft.

"Cyan and Enzo are currently bombarding her with treats. She’s in paradise."

Giosuè can’t help but smile. "I’m glad to hear that. She deserves lots of attention and love."

Giosuè and Xavier stare into each other’s eyes.

All at once, Giosuè removes his shirt, climbs on Xavier’s lap, and presses his lips to his.

Xavier clears his throat as he glances at me. "We’re right next to your friend, boy."

"He won’t mind, Daddy." Giosuè runs his thumb across Xavier’s cheek.

Xavier furrows his brow. "I’m not sure I can kiss you in front of him."

"Dino and I used to beat off together growing up." Giosuè’s lips dance across Xavier’s. "Does that make you uncomfortable, Daddy? Do you want to stop?"