"We didn’t want to date a literal child," Lazaro growls.

Medici doesn’t take kindly to this. "Mattie is a full-grown adult."

Mattie snickers. "You tell them, Daddy."

"Full-grown," Faro drawls, finding this tough to believe. "He’s nearly as petite as me."

Jako tousles Faro’s hair. "There’s no harm in being petite. It doesn’t make you any less of a man."

Giosuè turns to Xavier. "Am I pint-sized, Daddy? Or big?"

Xavier stares at Giosuè with pure love in his eyes. He wraps his arms around his femboy’s waist, then dusts his lips with a kiss. "You’re a sleek little femboy who drives Daddy crazy with need."

Giosuè melts. "That’s theperfectanswer."

My heart swells as I watch Giosuè and Xavier make out. It’s wonderful—Giosuè obviously was insecure about who he was. Nothing is more touching than when two men find each other and help one another grow whole-hearted.

Lazaro squeezes my hand. "Do you have any feminine instincts, boy?"

I can’t help but chuckle. "I have Little instincts that we haven’t fully explored yet. Not so much feminine."Although I'm not opposed to wearing pretties.

Faro’s eyes snap up. "Maybe we can have a playdate with you to get to know you—along with our cousins’ partners."

I scrunch my face. "You have evenmorefamily members?"

Truth be told, I thought this was it. For God’s sake—I can barely keep track of everyone here right now.

Once again, there are Faro and Jako. Faro was crazy about Jako and Jako wanted nothing to do with him—until very recently. That’s what I understand.

There’s Giosuè and Xavier. Giosuè was insecure about who he was, and Xavier accepted him.

There’s Mattie and Medici. I’m not totally sure what their backstory is—but I’m sure I’ll learn about it eventually. These men don't seem like the types to keep secrets. They’ll probably spill everything over drinks.

And now—I hear that there are more people I need to get to know. Well, crap. Despite being in prison for eight years, I’m not great with names.

In the joint, all we needed to do was know the number of our cellmates—where they sat in the mess hall, and where they pumped iron in the yard. Anything more was up to whether you chose to befriend them.

Marcello runs his thumb across my palm. "Don't be worried. You’ll meet Vincenzo, Amedeo, and Tommaso soon enough."

"And their partners Ryder, Cyan, and Enzo," Lazaro adds.

"And Romeo and Dino." Faro waggles his eyebrows. "Don't forget them."

Giosuè scratches his temple. "Where the hell is my best friend Dino? We’ve been here in Sicily for weeks—I still can’t believe he hasn’t come onto Romeo yet."

"It’s a damn shame." Faro nods sympathetically.

I groan as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "How the crap am I supposed to keep track of all these people?"

Santino squeezes my ass. "We’ll help you."

"We’ll play pin the dick on the Luciano brother," Marcello drawls, kissing my cheek. "That should help you—my brothers are easy to tell apart when you look at their dicks."

"Speak for yourself," Faro snaps, resting his cheek on Jako’s shoulder. "I have the most unique dick in the world."

Giosuè fixes Faro with a look. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Don’t I, Daddy?" Faro turns his blue eyes up to Jako. "Tell my annoying brothers that my dick is the most wonderful you’ve ever seen."