"Is, indeed," Jako says, which is the ultimate verdict. "You are a nutcase, beautiful boy. But you’remynutcase."

Lazaro roars with laughter. "Well, well, well. Faro lassoed Jako with his rope of love."

Jako glares at Lazaro. "I don't appreciate how you phrased that."

"It was more of a stick than a rope," Faro observes.

"You can’t lasso someone with a stick," Marcello says.

Faro shrugs. "Then, I didn’tlassohim. I beat him into submission—and now, he’s my Daddy."

That’s when two fresh voices join us.

"Look who decided to show up." It’s a young man wearing femboy clothes and an older man walking a dog.

Marcello’s jaw tumbles to his feet. "Giosuè? What are you doing dressed like that?"

The older man rubs Giosuè’s lower back. "Hello, everyone. My name is Xavier—some of you have already heard of me."

Giosuè threads his fingers through Xavier’s. "Xavier is a Daddy in the scene who I met yesterday. He’s my Daddy."

Faro rushes toward Giosuè and thrusts his arms around his neck. "I’m soooo happy for you."

Xavier chuckles. "Giosuè has something he wants to share with you. Don't you, baby boy?"

Giosuè blushes. "I’m a femboy. There—I said it."

Tears well in Lazaro’s eyes. "We’re so proud of you for owning your truth."

"Coming out of the closet is never easy," Marcello says in agreement. "We knew you liked to don dresses with Dino and parade around town. But this is a step further. Thank you for letting us know."

"I won’t tolerateanyjokes about my identity." Giosuè’s voice is firm. "That’s the reason I was hesitant to 'come out'—I know how much you all love to tease."

Faro squeezes Giosuè. "No need to fear, brother. You’re safe with us."

That’s when two more figures emerge from the woods. "We’re right on time for the family gathering."

The figures are stark naked. One is petite and teacup-sized, and the other is built like an ox.

Faro groans. "Put some clothes on, Medici and Mattie."

Mattie, who I assume is the smaller one, puts his hands on his hips. "This property is like the Garden of Eden. I’ll do what I want."

Medici rubs Mattie’s lower back. "You tell them, boy. There’s nothing wrong or shameful about the buck naked human male form. It’s a work of art—one in which artists of every nationality and ethnic origin have found inspiration for millennia."

Mattie blushes. "I appreciate your words of wisdom, Daddy."

Marcello turns to me. "This is our brother Medici and his younger partner, Mattie."

I take a good look at the two men. Yeah—Medici is the ultimate Daddy. He’s not as sexy as my Daddies, of course.

And Mattie? There’s no denying he’s a "perfect" boy. Skinny, lithe, and adorable, he puts male cam models to shame.

I nudge Marcello’s ribs. "You three could’ve had a boy like Mattie. Why did you choose me?"

Marcello’s eyes turn to slits as he faces me. He grips my cheeks, then breathes hotly on my lips. "Never—ever—question your place in our lives again."

Santino massages my ass. "You’re whatwewant. No, you’re not twenty like Mattie—or however old that twink is. You’re sexy, toned, and mature."