The butterfly flies off Faro’s chest. Faro sniffles, trying to reach out and pet it, but I hold his hand back until the butterfly can safely head back out the window and into the sunlight.

Releasing my grip on his hand, I move my hand down his body, then bring it to his tummy which I rub. "Someone deserves a belly rub for listening."

Faro’s cheeks turn pink as his head lolls back. "You’re right—I shouldn’t have tried to touch the butterfly. It was wrong. Pretty things mystify me—I want to know why they attract me, what makes them beautiful. It didn’t occur to me that I’d hurt the very thing I was infatuated with by chasing it."

Faro scrunches his eyes shut, then sucks his thumb. I can see the gears turning behind his forehead—what a sight.

No doubt, he’s envisioning himself skipping through a meadow, a net in his hands chasing butterflies.

"I wanna pet them!"

"No." My voice is soothing. "They deserve to be happy—when you try to catch them, they’re sad."

Faro’s eyes open. He turns back to me, then burrows his nose into my chest.

"Wise Daddy." His voice is soft, sweet, brimming with affection. "So glad you agreed to speak to me. To come into my life."

I tilt his head up—then groan as I peer into his eyes, those baby blue depths. It’s bizarre how cerulean they are. Almost, I see dolphins swimming—no.I see butterflies spreading their wings, flapping and somersaulting against a clear blue sky.

"Your eyes contain a microcosm of the universe," I whisper, my lips dusting his.

Faro nibbles my lower lip. "They only look that way because you’re staring into them. Believe me—when I’m bored in my room, they’re regular blue."

Faro and I embrace. We don't do anything else—certainly don't go for round two. At this moment, locked in each other’s arms, the world outside doesn’t matter.

No one’s here to tell me I’m a lunatic for letting this nineteen-year-old horny devil into my home—for giving into something I swore I wouldn’t. Faro and I are building a bridge here that’ll take us from the land of hesitation to the one of whole-heartedness.

I grit my teeth. "Are you really a virgin, boy?"

Faro looks shy. "Yes, Daddy."

Wow. Just wow. Am I the luckiest man in the world? Or God’s chosen one?

My left hand migrates down his body, before cupping his ass. "I’m blessed."

Faro moans, arching his back, letting me cop a better feel. "I’mthe fortunate one. Do you know how long I’ve wanted you?"

I can’t help but chuckle. "Yes."

"Since forever," Faro whispers, ticking his eyes up, electrifying me with his gaze.

I massage his ass again, then kiss him. He groans, and I trap that groan with my tongue, swallowing it down, bringing it into the deepest recesses of my soul.

My hand moves to his tummy, which I rub. This causes Faro to squirm, then giggle as he squeezes me.

"Beautiful Daddy." Faro’s breathless as he grinds on me. "Rubbing on my body—making my nipples turn to peaks."

"Those aren’t the only things turning to peaks, boy."

Swiping my hand down, I massage his bulge. Faro’s hard—that’s no surprise.

A young, virile steed like him, or should I say, a pony, should always have a hard cock—especially when they’re snuggling with Daddy.

I milk his shaft, peeling his foreskin back, which makes him kick his legs out. "O-Oh Daddy!"

I kiss his cheeks, nose, forehead. "Horny devil. Always keep a hard dick around me—don't ever let it go soft."

Faro and I both direct our eyes towards his midsection. His pink, full crown throbs between my index finger and thumb, his tight foreskin rolling back. His crown is shiny, and a bead of pre-cum, translucent and effervescent, rolls out of the tip.