Jericho bites his lower lip. The light in his eyes fades a bit, and he shuts down. "Okay, Daddy. I believe you."

Marcello and I share a glance. Uh oh.

Please God don't let Jericho doubt our true intentions.



I snuggle next to Xavier, my body wrapping around his. I can’t believe how much fun we had today.

Never—not even once—in my life have I had such a blast with a man. Not when I used to head out with Dino, seeking attention, walking around town in heels and a dress.

Wearing my femboy clothes in front of Xavier—and having himadoreme? Best. Day. Ever.

Fuck every other Daddy I’ve ever met who didn’t make me feel comfortable enough to own my true power. Xavier turns me into a goddess—a femboy divinity.

Xavier’s firm hand swoops across my back, then cups my ass. "Looks like you’re sleeping soundly. Aren’t you, precious Giosuè?"

I tick my head up… and try not to quiver with warmth. Oh—God.Xavier is even more beautiful when he’s in bed with me.

I trace my finger over his chiseled pecs, then across the veins in his biceps, touching each one. His jaw clenches, which sends a pang of need darting across me.

"Not really, Daddy." I rest my cheek on his chest. "I’m too busy thinking about you."

Xavier massages my shoulders, making me groan. His touch is so warm, so considerate, as if he knows exactly what I need.

"I’m one lucky bastard." Xavier pushes out a snort. "Can’t wrap my head around it—what did I do to deserve this?"

"I feel the same way."

"All I was doing was taking Rosey Sunshine on her morning walk. The last thing I expected was to run into an angel on the street."

A breath escapes me. I thread my fingers through Xavier’s, squeezing his hand tight, seeking to convey that which rests in the depths of my heart.

"It’s funny you thinkI’mthe angel." I’d be tempted to laugh if I weren’t speaking from my soul.

Xavier massages my chin. "What do you mean?"

My eyes lock on his. Is this man serious? Silly Daddy.

This is what every good boy should do—tell their Daddy how much they mean to them. It’s my turn to instill confidence in Xavier—let him know precisely how special he is.

"I want to be honest, Daddy." I grit my teeth. "Is that something you’re okay with?"

Xavier’s features stitch into a mask of concern. "Of course."

"Most men see me as an experiment." I blink hard to stave off tears. "When I wear dresses, they want a one-time thing—and then they never speak to me again. It’s hurtful because I know they’ll never claim me—never be my true protector. I want to be more than that. Someone’s good boy. Their Little who brings them treats in the morning and gives them wonderful hugs."

Xavier tucks a strand of hair over my left ear. "You have that now.I’m yours."

I wrap my arms around his chest. "Thank you for saying that. It makes me feel so good."

"Let me tell you about my life, sweet boy."

I nod.Yes. Reveal everything about your past to me—don't let me leave your home today without ushering me into every sacred mystery of who you are. I won’t be able to sleep tonight if there’s some secret you haven’t revealed. I swear I'll do the same.

Xavier kisses my cheek. "Confide in Daddy. What do you want him to speak about first? His profession? His romantic life? His past?"