"You look so fucking pretty right now." A note of husk invades Xavier’s timbre. Lord knows why, but it makes me tingle harder, even shake.

"Y-You’re making me so hard." I push out a whisper as I stare into his eyes.

He slowly strokes his own dick, his irises boring into mine. "Can’t control myself around you, beautiful princess. Perfection—that’s what you’re made of. The gods did something right when before they handed you off to the stork that brought you to Sicily."

My head leans back, pressing against a soft, pastel pink wall. "F-feel so safe."

Rosey Sunshine who was enjoying our tea party, woofs as she leaves the room.

Xavier’s breath hitches across my lips. "Mind if I kiss you, boy?"

I nod. Whimpering. My dick tingling under his firm touch. "Yes."

Xavier crushes his mouth to mine.


I can’t believe my luck.

It’s not fair—there are far better men out there than me who haven’t received such blessings.

I must’ve done something kind in a past life. Rescued a mouse from a trap. Saved a beetle from a storm drain.

Nothing that I’ve done inthislife—that I can recall—has made me deserving of a princess like Giosuè.

I lean in, sucking his lower lip, then fight back a groan.

Christ—Christ.I wish I'd met him earlier. That’s all I can think—it’s absurd that Fate, that bitch, waited this long to allow us to cross paths.

I’m not a lonely man. As a Daddy in the local kink community, I always have partners at my beck and call. However, after Toby left me for another Daddy, I haven’t been able to do short-term flings like I used to.

Playmates are great if you’re confident in who you are. If all you want is a hookup or a Little to dress up and have a tea party with.

If you’re searching for something real?Not so much.The last time I invited a boy over was when I was with Toby. It was him—we hit it off and he moved in with me.

My idiotic brain didn’t think to check for red flags. I’d never needed to before—no boy I'd ever invited into my life betrayed me.

Toby bided his time for well over a year before he showed his true colors. Weeks up to the day I caught him banging someone else in my bed, he bickered with me incessantly. Whenever I said something, hehadto disagree.

Now, I’m not the type of man who needs his partner to agree with everything he thinks—not by a long shot.

But when all you do is bitch and whine, it’s a signal you no longer enjoy your partner's company.

Giosuè’s breath hitches as he leans back. "D-Did you mean to do that?"

I cup his cheeks, then rub my lips on his. "Yes, sweet one. It’s been a long time since I’ve kissed a princess as pretty as you—I’m glad you want me to."

Giosuè draws my hand into his, then brings it between his legs. "I want you to do more."

A groan tumbles free from my lips as I rub his bulge, which to my pleasant surprise, is already hard.

Oh—yes.This is what I prayed would happen. Giosuè is hard for me, he wants me, he’s thinking about me in a sexual way.

Pitching forward, I crush my mouth back to his, my fingers locking around his cock, squeezing it hard.

Giosuè moans, his arms draping around my neck, hoisting himself up against me, pushing into my greedy palm, letting me touch everything.

He spreads his legs even further, then permits me to peel back his panties, which makes my heart flip-flop.