I scream as shot after shot of hot white cum barrels out of my dick, splattering on my tummy.

One, two, three—oh Christ, I can’t count the number of shots of hot white cum I bust out. I only know that there are too many, that at this moment, all that matters is that I’m flying.

Lazaro’s cock spasms next. "Christ." A burst of cum squirts onto my tummy, rocketing past my nipples and ribs, before dribbling onto the bank.

Marcello can’t hold back after seeing that. Threading his fingers through my hair, he squeezes my roots, his mighty, muscular body shaking, as his uncut dick retracts its foreskin and erupts on my shaking body.

One—two—three—too many to count.

I’m covered in cum. Hell, I don't know whose cum is on my button, my abs, or my nipples—which belongs to the Luciano brothers or which emerged from me.

Santino growls as he pumps his shaft. He brings it between my legs—then, without sliding his shaft in, rubs the tip—only the throbbing, pink uncut tip—on my opening and grips my hips.

"Let me know if I can come in your hole," Santino growls.

"Not inside," I gasp, my ass puckering in anticipation. "Only on the outside—please."

Santino obeys my command. He nuts out a fuckton of cum, the juices creaming my innocent opening, before squirting onto the muddy bank and trickling into the swimming hole.

I groan, clenching my thighs as the realization of what I’ve done enters my mind.

My new Daddies and I tested our compatibility—and if the evidence on my body is any indication, we passed. Lord, did we ever.

Lazaro grips my chin. "You’re so hot.We can’t stay in control of our senses around you."

I tick my head up and stare into his eyes. Delicious, sweet trust enters my core—trust that these men will protect me, look out for me, and won’t take advantage of me.

"Tell me what’s next, Daddy."

Santino and Marcello share a glance. They snort—then Santino pulls me into the swimming hole. "Don't test us, precious one."

"You know damn well what we’re going to do," Marcello growls, swiping his thumb across my cheek.

Pressing my back against the bank, my three Daddies scrub my body, washing the cum from it. They kiss my neck, chest, and my nipples—swirling their tongues across my skin, licking me by way of cleaning.

"Aftercare." Lazaro’s voice is soothing. Packed with love. "Silly boy—acting like we’re not going to run you a bubblebath and pamper you all damn night."

My heart beats in my chest as I stare at my three Daddies. This is—more than I anticipated.

The few times I’ve tried to date since exiting prison, none of my partners have ever cared about aftercare. They skip over it. When I request it, they tell me to quit being dramatic.

Because I’m twenty-eight, I’m not supposed to care about such a silly thing. Aftercare. In their judgmental eyes, I’m old enough to take care of myself.

Not. The. Case. I crave a Daddy or rather,Daddies, who take care of me. Dote on me. Love me right, then give me my favorite stuffy, a blanket, a bottle, and hold, just hold me all night.

I take Marcello and Santino’s hands in mine. "Promise me you’re not lying."

A single tear rolls down my cheek. Christ—I didn’t want to cry.



I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Honest to God—IsworeI wouldn’t let my next-door neighbor Faro within five feet of me.

Heisa bonafide stalker, after all. Such a creep. Okay, he’s only nineteen so it’s not like I’m in any danger. And—he’sexactlymy type.