The man ticks a brow. "Are you all right? Rosey Sunshine seemed to think you were crying."

My teeth gnaw on my lower lip. God—where do I even begin?

I can’t very well tell this stranger, this veritable Adonis, about my woes. Being a femboy is something I can barely admit to myself.

Then—I wonder what I’m afraid of. Sometimes, it’seasierconfessing the truth to a total stranger. One who knows nothing about you. One who won’t judge you, tease you, or tell on you.

I smile through my blurry eyes. "Someone I was chatting to online doesn’t want to talk anymore. They found a new partner."

"I’m sorry to hear that." The man gestures to the spot beside me. "Mind if I grab that seat for a sec? Rosey Sunshine might be able to help."

More than willing to oblige, I scoot to make room. "Of course."

Rosey Sunshine hops up next to me. She licks my cheeks again, which makes me cry even harder—except this time, my tears are born of gratitude, not pain.

The man turns to me. "Dating is never easy."

"Can I tell you something?" It’s as good a time as ever to confess my truth. This man might be understanding—who knows?

He nods. "Sure."

"I’m a femboy." I push out a breath, then scrunch my eyes shut so I don't have to see his reaction to my words. "I didn’t always know this about myself, but it’s undeniable. It makes prospective partners—Daddies—run for the hills. Sometimes, I wish I was like my brothers. Normal. Not into female clothes like panties and silk pretties."

The man tucks a strand of hair over my right ear. "Wow. It must be my lucky day."

My eyebrows furrow. "Excuse me?"

He gently pries my hands away from my face. "Forgive me for saying this, but I wasjustthinking how utterly gorgeous you were as I was walking by. I’m a Daddy in the local kink community—I pictured you dressed in pink clothes and drinking tea with me almost immediately. Are you in the market for a new partner? If not, no harm, no foul. But if you are, I'd love to apply for the position."

My jaw drops as I stare into his eyes. "Are you kidding?"

"No." His breath hitches as he leans in, his irises full of adoration and warmth. "I’m deadly serious, I’m afraid. My last Little princess—Toby—broke up with me because he met another Daddy. I haven’t dated in a while, it’s been too painful. However, I want to put myself out there again. Say yes to love. See if I can find the one."

I search his gaze for deceit, any trace of manipulation or lies. This is too good to be true. Here I was, a teary mess sitting alone, when this drop-dead gorgeous man plopped down beside me—and told me that not only did he find me attractive, but he’s a Daddy.

A pulse of longing surges through me. "I don't believe you."

He cups my jaw. "You don't have to give me an answer right now. I can take you to my place—spread my tea items on the coffee table and give you a few pretties to try on. We might get along."

I nod. My heart melting. "I’d like that."

His breath hitches across my trembling, eager lips. "Let Daddy give you a token of his affection. One that won’t make you doubt."

My head falls back. "What, Daddy?"

"A kiss," the man whispers, his thumb grazing my chin.

I whimper as I place my hands on his sturdy forearm. "I consent."

He leans in and crushes his lips to mine.

I moan, surrendering to his plush mouth, adoring the sensation.

I haven’t had many kisses in my life—but I don't need to to know that this one is powerful, mighty, and full of everything I could want.

He sucks my lower lip, then leans back. "My name is Xavier. What’s yours?"

"Giosuè," I breathe, stroking his forearm that doesn’t let my quivering chin fall.