I clear my throat. "So, we’ve established you’re a big fan of pink?"

Santino jabs my ribs. "Could you beany moreobnoxious?"

I shrug. "Inquiring minds want to know."

Me. I’m the inquiring mind.

Marcello pushes out a sigh. "You’ll have to excuse my brother."

Jericho shrugs. "I don't care."

Marcello rests his chin on his fist. "Lazaro has a thing for pink princess boys. Big boys, skinny boys, older boys, twinky boys—it doesn’t matter. As long as they wear his favorite color—and perhaps a pink cape every now and then—he’s happy."

Jericho grins bashfully. "I see."

"Cool your jets," Santino growls at me. "You’ll frighten Jericho off."

Jericho shakes his head. "Liking pink is obviously very important to you. In fact, I respect that—it’s a great criterion to search for in a potential partner."

"I’m glad you think that." I smile.

Jericho’s eyes narrow into a glare. "But what if I liked blue? Or yellow?"

"Pink or bust," I growl.Like other colors at your own peril.

"Control freeeeak," Santino singsongs.

Jericho snorts as he takes another sip of passionfruit tea. "Well, you’re in luck. I like pink. I’m excited to wear it around you."


I can’t help but lose my mind as I stare at Jericho.

He’s perfect—absolutely fucking gorgeous.

Who would’ve thought that I'd feel this way about a boy again?

I shake my head in amusement as my brothers and I lead Jericho through the woods. We’re taking him to the swimming hole—we want to see how he reacts to us in the buff.

As we walk, my eyes rake over Jericho’s perfect figure, his perky ass, his muscles, and of course, his legs.

I’m a leg man—always have been, always will be. Some men love ass. Some love cock. I love ass and cock, but legs turn me on the most.

Sometimes, rubbing my cock on a man's legs—especially his ankles—is enough to make me come. Is it weird? Sure. Unconventional? Hell yeah.Then again, I’m not the most conventional guy.

Yet—Jericho’s physique isn’t the only thing that draws me to him.

A pang of emotion shoots across me when I think of the conversation we had with Jericho on the patio. He took Lazaro’s probing questions well—and he proved he can spar with us.

Lazaro is incredibly nervous to open himself up to a new boy. Too many of his relationships have gone down in flames because of his princess obsession.As long as Jericho respects his desires, everything will be okay.

Santino and I need to learn if Jericho is fine withourneeds, too. I, for one, am constantly on the go—he needs to be okay when I’m gone for months at a time on missions. At present, I’m on a mission to track down the three Riccardi brothers the rest of my family assumes are dead. Iknowthey’re not: I feel it in my gut. Call it hitman’s intuition. I refuse to rest until I find them.

Jericho also needs to want Santino for more than his body. That’s his biggest insecurity—people only want to hook up with him.

And we need to learn about Jericho’s desires, too. That’s what’s most important—that we can make him feel as safe as he makes us feel.

Jericho turns to us. "I hope we stumble across this mysterious swimming hole soon."