"Why stressful?" Cyan queries.

"No one would help me lose my real virginity," Amadeo drawls. "I was jerking off like I had a mosquito bite I couldn’t itch."

I make a face. "Let’s change the subject."

Medici rubs my waist. "Smart idea, baby boy."



My sunflower curls up next to me in front of the TV with Cloudy under his left arm.

I’m making good on my promise—to show him Mean Girls.

Right now, Cady and her two goth friends are talking shit about Regina George.

Excitement builds inside me for the moment Cady switches allegiances and becomes the new Queen Bee.

God—I can’t believe I love this movie so much.

It doesn’t make sense. I’m a ferocious killer. An ex-con. A mobster.

YetMean Girlsspeaks to something eternal in my soul.

I watched it in the joint a few times.

"I love it, Daddy." Mattie rubs his head on my chest.

I cup his hip. "I'm glad to hear that, angel."

He clears his throat. "However, Cady isn’t as fun as the blond ones. I want to be Regina. Plus, after my kidnapping, I'm weary of redheads—that's why I can't warm up to her. You must remember that my rapist guard in Kansas was Scottish."

"Keep watching, boy."

Mattie takes a sip of apple juice. "I’ll do it for you."

I massage his thigh. "Good boy. You’ll like it soon."

"It’s also alittleoffensive," Mattie observes.

We just passed the part where Tina Fey asks Cady if she’s from Africa and doesn’t believe her.

My right brow crooks. "Hrm."

Mattie snickers. "I can’t believe this ever got made," he drawls.

I pause the movie. "Angel—the joke is… You’re missing the point."

God. Damn. This movie is beloved by all.

He groans as he sips his juice. "I’m trying to keep an open mind."

We keep watching. As we munch on popcorn, Mattie turns to me. "Tell me about your time in the joint, Daddy. Is that where you learned about such offensive movies? Hanging around with killers?"

Yeah—that’s how I discoveredMean Girls.My cellmates who were in for murder showed it to me.

I massage his thigh. "My cellmates didn’t watch movies like this."