Isabella pats Romeo's leg. "Just get it over with, dear. Fuck Dino already."

Romeo’s jaw drops. "For the love of God!"

Faro turns to Giosuè. "Where the hellisDino? I swear, he’s never here when we are."

"His schedule is pretty wonky right now," Giosuè admits. "Plus, he’s waiting forsomeoneto show him that he’s welcome—he doesn’t want to make another mistake after last time."

Everyone turns to Romeo.

He tugs his shirt collar. "Don’t look at me."

"You’re the one driving Dino away," Isabella chastises. "You need to let him know you enjoyed what he did four years ago."

"We’re in front of the entire family, dear." A vein bulges on Romeo’s forehead.

Vincenzo turns to Tommaso. "Someone needs to rip Dad out of the closet."

"I agree," Tommaso drawls. "Secrets, secrets, are no fun."

"I’ll share them with everyone when I’m goddamn ready," Romeo snaps, rising from his chair. "You people need counseling."

Ryder rubs Vincenzo’s leg. "Don’t upset your father. It’s not nice."

Vincenzo rolls his eyes. "You’re the one who couldn’t stand him six months ago."

"That’s because he was my overly demanding client," Ryder reminds Vincenzo. "Now, he’s my father-in-law-slash-generous boss."

"Ahhh." Cyan waggles his eyebrows. "You’re trying to score points."

"Don't be so cynical," Ryder snaps.

Romeo issues Ryder a supportive nod. "I’ll make you Employee of the Month next month."

Ryder isn’t impressed. "Does it come with a bonus?"

"No," Romeo jabs out.

Ryder shrugs. "Okay—in that case, I agree with everyone else. Quit dicking around and tell Dino you’re into him."

Romeo’s jaw drops. "You’re supposed to be my ally."

"Allies this loyal cost money," Ryder singsongs.

Vincenzo rubs Ryder’s hair. "That’s my boy. Show Dad your worth."

Nonno rises to his feet and pats Romeo’s back. "Back in my day, I fucked a few men. I liked older guys—mature ones. Loved to flash my dick at them in bathrooms to tease them. Watching them decide whether they should go for it was the highlight of my late adolescence."

Nonna’s jaw drops. "What!"

"Hush, dear," Nonno growls. "Don’t act like you’re not scissoring your foot masseuse. You're also a citizen of Sodom."

"Hers is Gomorrah," Amadeo drawls. "Get your sinful cities right."

"Anyway, I showed more bravery than you," Nonno says to Romeo, "and I was barely eighteen."

"That’s because you didn’t have a fully developed frontal lobe," Romeo snaps. "I understand the consequences of my actions—and I don’t want to make Dino uncomfortable."

Nonno sighs. "You’re a lost cause."