I glare at him. "Never mind."

"Don't be so uptight. It’s not becoming of a Little."

I sigh as I settle deeper into my patio chair. He’s not wrong. I have alotof tension in my body right now—tension I need a Daddy to relieve.

The stress is there for a good reason.

I take a sip of my drink. "I wish you were dead wrong."

"I’m wrong plenty," Medici grunts. "Not now. The knots in your back are palpable. You really shouldn’t have those at your age. You’re only twenty. Imagine how your back will be when you’re fifty. Tense. Tight. Brittle."

My tongue swipes across my lower lip. "All right."

"All right." Wow. He’s mocking me. But he does it politely. It’s not to hurt me, but to help me see that I’m incorrect. "This is why you need a Daddy, boy—pronto.You’re not looking out for yourself."

A groan escapes me. "Okay, let’s finish the discussion we started in Little Store."

It’s time. We won’t have many hours to be alone together.If we want to push through that which separates us, we must do it now.

Medici smirks as he wriggles in his seat. "I’m fine with the chat we’re having right now. Why switch things up? It’d be a damn shame to ruin this frenemy-ship with something so aggravating as a conversation that’ll bring us closer together. We’re better off sitting in the sun and never bridging the distance between us. Speaking about the things that don't matter. Sticking with small talk—we’ll keep our hearts safe that way."

Christ. Almighty. I hate to say it, but Medici sees through my defenses. The bastard reads what’s written in the scrolls of my soul.

I frown at him. "You’re being mean."

"I’m honest. If the truth kills you, die."

"Aaaaaand," I go on, "unbelievable."Great. I knew better than to ever express interest in this guy.

Medici reaches out and touches the back of my hand. "Mattie."

A chill works up my spine. I try to fight it off—Ireallyfucking do. I don't want to like this man. He exposed my secret in Little Store and made me acknowledge my kinks.

My desiresshouldn’tembarrass me—yet they do. When I admit them out loud. In front ofhim.The fact that he brought them up before I was ready makes me sad.

I bite my lower lip. "Listening."

"It’s time to be brave, sunflower. This isn’t easy for me, either—there are things I haven’t shared with you."


Medici nods. "My prison bitch, Trevion. He’s the main reason I’ve been dreading this chat—I have to tell you about that jerkface."

This causes my face to scrunch. "You have a prison bitch?"

"Had." Medici pushes out a growl. "We were together during my last few years in the joint. He held me down, but it wasn’t meant to be."

"I’m sorry."

"Don't be. He cheated on me with his prison little girl—Darnel.Fucker. I tried to keep seeing him after I was released, but he wasn’t interested."


"Before I rescued you, I actually met with him one last time. I wanted to find out if there wasanychance we could still be together."

I touch Medici’s hand. "That’s… sweet. You were loyal."

"I’m loyal to my fucking block," Medici snaps. "Loyal to my hood. My crew. And yes, to my prison bitch. Some fucking fool I was! He showed zero interest. Then—he had theaudacityto message me telling me he wanted another chance after I wrote him off. The nerve of that bastard to try to manipulate me—when I would’ve doneanythingfor him."