Marcello turns to me. "Tell us what you need to speak about."

A thread of disquiet loops around my soul. I try to speak, but the damn words get trapped in my throat. I can’t believe the day where I ask my brothers for relationship advice is finally here.

It’s hilarious—or at least it would be if it weren’t so pathetic.

I pray they don't make me regret it.


That’s all I say. Nothing more. Nothing less. The timbre of my voice communicates all that’s necessary.

Lazaro ticks a brow. "Ahh. You’ve got butterflies."

Marcello rolls his eyes. "That sounds so pathetic."

"Ifeelpathetic," I snarl, slamming my fist on the counter of the bar where we’re drinking. It’s close to Nonna’s house and a bit seedy. I’ve never been here before, but when Marcello suggested it I knew I had to give it a shot. "Never in my life have I been this hung up on a boy."

Santino grits his teeth. "We’re listening."

"I’m obsessed with Mattie. He’s everything I’ve been searching for—a perfect boy. He’s Little, sweet, bratty, and enjoys feminine clothes."

This causes Marcello’s jaw to clench. "Lucky."

Lazaro clears his throat. "We’ve actually… been searching for someone like that, too."

I furrow my brow. "What do you mean?"

My three brothers share a look. "Our attempts at relationships haven’t exactly worked."

"The last boy I had cheated on me with a fisherman because I worked too much," Marcello growls. "You remember that, right?"

I gnash my teeth. "Of course."

"Mylast relationship ended because I kept trying to force my angel to wear pink pretties," Lazaro snarls in the deepest fucking voice I’ve ever heard. "He hated the dolls and teddies I gave him."

My brows stitch. "Okay."

Santino clears his throat. "We’ve decided to join forces—and try to find a boy we can share. One who enjoys each of us for who we are. Who won’t judge us. He’ll wear pretties around Lazaro, spend time with me when Marcello is working, and hopefully, be into Daddy kink. Preferably, we want a boy who’s been in rough situations—not a twink who doesn’t know how to deal with vicious men."

My jaw tumbles to the ground. "Wow."

"We’ve never tried a poly relationship before," Lazaro grits out. "But our attempts at monogamy haven’t worked. We saw how happy Ryder and Vincenzo were when they tied the knot. The cute ceremony. The giant cat. We want that, too—but we won’t find it individually."

My head explodes. "I’ll be damned."

Marcello grinds his molars. "We apologize for stealing the conversation."

Santino roars as he rises to his feet. "It’s so fucking hard," he yells at the bar. "All we want is a boy to love—to give our hearts to. To spoil. Pamper. To help him recover from a traumatic past. Is there any boy out there for us?"

A movement flickers in the periphery of my vision.

Someone rises to his feet and walks over to Santino.

"I’ll volunteer as tribute."

Everyone in the bar gasps as they wait for what will happen. While we exercise patience, I take a good look at the man.

He’s not a "typical boy." He wears a leather jacket and his eyes are dark and slitted. With his dark black hair and chiseled, rough jaw, he’s the epitome of masculine perfection—yet it’s tough imagining him being with a Daddy.