His head jolts back. "Fuck! That’s tight."

When he spins back around, his dick looks like the fabric is strangling it.

"Maybe not quite so high," I snort. "Let’s grab some skirts and try something else."

He removes his panties and hangs them on the rack. "That’s a good idea."

Giosuè stares into my eyes. "I don't think I’m nonbinary—I don't know what the hell I am. I just want to be a gay boy who wears panties and feminine clothes on occasion. Or frequently. Sometimes, I like boxers. Other times, I like panties. Sometimes, they turn me on. Other times, I don them because they’re comfortable. Why the hell do I have to label myself—why can’t I be who I want?"

"Fuck labels, sis. I don't want to fit into anyone’s prepackaged idea of who I am."

"You can say that again."

Giosuè and I try on a few skirts. I choose pastel ones that complement my skin. Giosuè goes for grays, blacks, and tasteful nudes. The heels he wears along with his earrings make him look like a million bucks.

"Christ almighty." The associate smirks as he looks him up and down. "You’re aqueen."

Giosuè blushes. "I love this look."

Medici approaches us. "Are you almost done—"

His jaw drops when he lays eyes on Giosuè.

Giosuè shrieks as he hides behind a stall door. "Begone, ye."

Medici flashes me a wink. "You two are having fun playing dress-up."

A curious feeling works its way into me. Medici’s eyes comb over every inch of my body.

"Don’t say anything about Giosuè," I warn.

Medici knocks on Giosuè's door. "Come out, little bro."

Giosuè can’t make eye contact when he opens the door. "I didn’t want you to see me like this."

"Quit being so damn shy. Okay, you like feminine clothes—who cares? You’re still my little bro. "

Giosuè's eyes water. "You mean it?"

"Of course. I won’t tell anyone if you don't want me to, but you don't need to worry. We’re all very accepting as you know."

"I don't want anyone to tease me aboutthis.Other things are fine, but not…this."

"I get it." Medici cuffs Giosuè's shoulder. "Truthfully, your heels collection has already laid the groundwork for whatever’s going on—you and Dino look fab when you go out on the town in stilettos—but I’ll keep mum if you prefer."

Giosuè heads back into his stall. The second he’s gone, Medici thrusts me against a wall.

"Don't think you’re off the hook," he rasps in my ear, his growly voice sending tingles up my spine. "Daddy likes the way you look in that tight little skirt. All pastels and cute colors. You know what’d be even better—if you drank a two-liter bottle of water on Daddy’s lap and wet yourself."

I moan as a chill rockets through me. "I-I’m not ready to speak about my needs."

Holy. Christ. Someonedefinitelyspilled the beans about my wetting fantasies. How this occurred without my permission, I’m not sure.

Yet the knowledge that Medici doesn’t judge me? It’s too delicious to fathom.

"Soon, sunflower," Medici growls, his lips coming close to my ear, but not quite touching it. "And you’d better do it quickly—because Daddy won’t be able to control himself around you for much longer."

I slip out of his arms. "We need to have a serious discussion ASAP."