His obsession with Dino shows that you’re never too powerful to avoid falling in love.

I crack my neck. "Tell me when you last checked your underwear drawer."

He crooks a brow. "I have no idea what you’re getting at."

"Yourunderweardrawer," I repeat, my voice low. "Are you missing any pairs?"

He scratches his temple. "If you borrowed a pair of my underpants without my permission, you’re in trouble."

"Notme." I wait for the clue to sink in.

It doesn’t.

Romeo taps his foot on the ground. "I have no idea what you’re getting at."

"Think harder."

"You’re killing my brain. I’m decades older than you, sonny. I’m not as sharp."

I roll my eyes. "Dino stole your briefs."

"You just saidyoudid."

"No, I didn’t." This comes out exceedingly snappish. "You misunderstood me."

"Youinsinuatedthat you stole a pair. Freak. Why the hell do I need to know that? It’ll only tick me off. I have briefs in that drawer that I’ve used since Mafia grad school. Since I killed my first man. Stay out."

My fingers clench into fists. "I stole nothing from you—it was Dino."

At last, this gets through Romeo’s thick skull. "Really?"

"No need to sound like a lovestruck schoolgirl," I drawl.

Romeo brings his fingers to his chin. "This is a very interesting development."

You can say that again.

"I told you that Dino was into you." My voice is firm. "The question is—what will you do about it?"

Romeo’s eyes flicker with life. "I’ll set a trap. Next time he breaks into my room, I’ll be lying on my bed—stark naked. He’ll have no choice but to get naked with me."

My eyes roll to the whites. "I was thinking you could ask him on a date, but whatever floats your boat."

"How the hell do you know he jacked my briefs?" Romeo questions.

"Oh, honey," I drawl. "He didn’t just jack them. He jacked offinthem."

He glares at me. "Tell me how you know that."

"A little birdie told me," I drawl.

"Enough with the attitude," Romeo snaps—like he’s one to talk. "Give me the information I need."

"I heard it from a trusted source."

Romeo tugs a gun out of his back pocket and presses it against my temple. "Don’t make me do it."

I crack out a laugh. "Oh, right. You’re really going to kill your favorite nephew over a misunderstanding."