When he does what I instruct with the engine, pride paints a grin on his lips. "I did it, Daddy."
My right hand migrates to his hair, which I tousle. "Damn right you did."
Nonno sits on his workbench and cracks open a beer. "Adorable."
I glare at Nonno. "Share your beer."
"Nah," Nonno drawls, crossing his legs. "This is my private stash."
Mattie bumps his ass back. My breath hitches in my throat as I fumble for words.
"This is hard, Daddy." A twist of something that’s not entirely car-related sneaks into his voice.
My eyes narrow. "You’ll be fine. Keep doing what Daddy tells you."
He wriggles his ass. "Thisis even harder."
Nonno howls as he slaps his knee. "Medici can’t take a hint."
Sweat drips down my temples. "Mattie."
All at once, Mattie lets out a moan as he bends all the way over, effectively twerking on my dick. "Oh—this is the hardest yet!"
With a growl, I step to the side and issue him a stern look. "That’s it. You’renotspending the day with me tomorrow."
Mattie tries not to blush. "Daddy’s angry. He needs to give me a punishment."
"Spank him," Nonno drawls, sloshing beer down his throat. "Put on a show for yer grandnonno."
I ram Mattie’s jaw up and stare dead into his eyes. "You’re accompanying me to prison."
I can tell Mattie wasn’t prepared for me to bring him to the joint today.
His expression at breakfast—American pancakes with fluffy whipped cream and bacon—wasn’t full of horny lust like yesterday.
Presumably, he thought I’d take him over my knee and give himthatkind of lesson for teasing me.
Mattie needed to learn that it wasn’t okay to tempt me in that manner while I was concentrating.
(Actually, I’m fooling no one—I loved it. Still, a good Daddy doesn’t let his boy walk all over him.)
Mattie fumbles with his seatbelt. "I can’t buckle. We have to cancel our plans."
I growl as I turn to him. "It worked earlier this morning."
"Doesn’t now." He bites his lower lip. "Damn, I really wanted to go with you. Well, I guess I’ll have to be Ryder’s guardian at the beach. He wanted me to accompany him yesterday, you know—I turned him down to spend time withyou.Didn’t go the way I expected."
A strand of floppy hair cascades over his left eye. Reaching out, I tuck it over his ear. "Can you see me better now, boy?"
Mattie’s eyes tick down. "Yes, Daddy."