"I adore you." My voice doesn’t waver. Not a bit.
He grins. "You’re a great Daddy."
I’m not testing Medici—Iswear.
Still, the temptation to tell him that he's passing my tests with flying colors is intense.
I think back to our wonderful movie date last night and fight back a stupid grin.
I felt so safe. Safe to disagree. Safe to have my own opinion.
"That’s something that’s lost in this day and age," Ryder drawls as we walk through the woods with Cyan and Enzo.
Right now, I’m chatting with my friends about Medici. I want to triple check that they think he’s on the up and up.
My Little friendsareolder than me, after all—and that’s the reason why I gravitated toward them the first time we met.
They guide me down the right path.
Teach me not to fluff up.
Cyan nods. "You can say that again."
Enzo picks at his cuticles. "I’m still in shock that you didn’t likeMean Girls."
I turn to Enzo. "Ididlike it, idiot. But for the wrong reason—I wanted to be Regina."
"Mattie really is too young for us," Cyan cackles. "Everyone fromourera knows Regina is and will forever be a bitch—character arc be damned."
"Not too young for Medici, though." Ryder’s lips curl into a smirk. "You two have a perfect age gap."
Perfect. Damn right.
Still, Medici and I have a glaring generational difference. There were some offensive things about his favorite movie that he ignored.
"About that," I groan.
Enzo cuts me off by shaking his head. "No ifs, ands, or buts. Y’all are meant to be."
I roll my eyes. "Do none of y’all findMean Girlsa tiny bit offensive?"
"That’s literally the entire point," Ryder explains.
"Yeah, but—"
Cyan glares at me. "God, lighten the hell up. It’s a movie."
"An offensive movie," I snap.
"What movie isn’t offensive?!" Ryder pushes out a groan. "Christ al-fucking-mighty. Do we all need to watch made-for-TV cowboy romance movies from now on?"
"Those kick ass," Cyan drawls.
Actually, those have their fair share of issues. Why does the female lead always need to give up her career for some small-town farm dude?Henever moves to the big city for her. Noooo, he forces her to ride horses and act in Christmas pageants.