"We’re almost at the top," Marcello spits out.

"Haven’t you ever seen that movieThe Ruins?" Lazaro growls.

"No," Marcello roars.

"A group of hikers visits Native burial grounds on a trip to Mexico," Lazaro explains. "They run across a vine that tries to kill them. They have to drink each other’s urine to survive because they don't have enough water—and a local tribe forces them to stay with the vine."

Medici slams his palm on his forehead. "We’ve hiked Mount Etna a million times. There aren’t any murderous vines here."

"You never know what you’ll find in the wild," Marcello growls, his voice thunderous. "Rule number one:always be prepared."

I turn to Medici. "Marcello is a riot."

"More like a ri-idiot," Medici spits out.

Enzo glares at us. "Y’all need to hurry up. I’m almost at the top."

We all stare at Enzo with hatred in our eyes.

"Unbelievable," Faro snaps. "I jog five days a week—I’m too ADHD to sit still—and this dude is out-hiking me."

"Out-hiking isn’t a word," Ryder informs him.

"It is now," Faro volleys. "I invented it."

"When did Mrs. Webster invite you to join the word-creating committee?" Romeo snaps.

Faro furrows his brow. "Mrs. Webster?"

"MerriamWebster," Romeo explains, his eyes rolling. "The woman who makes the dictionaries."

Amadeo slaps his Dad’s back. "No more Dad jokes."

"Not a joke," Romeo snarls. "I want to know who gave my annoying ass nephew permission to create words—is he God? When I tried to do that, everyone shut me down."

"What word did you invent?" Ryder shoots Romeo a look.

"Pyschotwink," Romeo says.

Faro snorts. "We don't need to ask for the definition of that one."

Giosuè taps his foot. "No insulting Dino."

"I never mentioned Dino," Romeo hits back. "Quit assuming things."

"Suuuuure," Giosuè drawls, rolling his eyes. "Because there are so many otherpsychotwinkswho deserve their own word."

"All you did was take two words and combine them," Enzo says. "That’s not making a new word."

Romeo shoots daggers at Enzo. "I’d like to see you be this creative."

Tommaso growls as he marches toward his father. "No insulting my boy."

"Believe me," Romeo growls. "If I wanted to insult him,he’d know."

A breeze blows by me. When I glance up, I’m astonished to see Isabella in her running shoes.

"You boys are sure taking your sweet time," she singsongs as she joins Enzo.