"This isincredible." Medici can’t contain the awe in his voice.

This time, I believe him. "Thanks."

He dabs the paint off my finger. "I’m in awe of you."

I roll my eyes. "Lay off the cheese. I had enough at breakfast."

My stomach rumbles as I think of the wonderful food I ate. Nonna switched things up today. In lieu ofcornetti, she prepared a delightful cheese platter with turkey, Italian salami, hard-boiled eggs, and the fluffiest bread.

It was fresher than anything I’ve eaten in New York. I couldn’t help but wonder if Italian food tastes better because it’s grown closer to the Earth. You don't have as many pesticides.

Medici hangs my finger-painting on a tree branch. "It’ll dry in the breeze."

I blush as I stare at it. "The bugs that fly in front of it will appreciate it. They’re not used to paintings in their natural habitat."

Medici rubs my lower back. "You’re feeling Littler. I can tell."

I rest my head on his chest. "I am."

"Let’s sit back down, cutie. I want to hear more about your life. Your upbringing. The things you do for fun in New York."

We head to a spot of verdant grass that doesn’t have paint dotting it—oops, I got a little too messy. The grass is a Jackson Pollock painting.

Snuggling against Medici, I debate what I should tell him. "You’ll think I’m boring."

He snorts. "You’llthinkmylife is uninteresting. I’ll think yours is exciting AF."

I know this man didn’t say AF.

"Don't say that," I joke. "It ages you."

"I started using it as a joke ten years ago and haven’t been able to stop."

I can tell.

"Stop today." My voice is firm.

He chuckles. "Let’s make a deal. I'll quit using AF if you tell me about your life—and your past."

I thread my fingers through his. "You’re on, John."

"Medici. Not John."

"For Christ’s sake," I drawl. "I said John because it rhymes."

"Ahhh. I thought you were mixing me up with my half-brother, John."

"How big is your goddamn family?"

"Bigger than you think," Medici growls, his voice rasping in my ear. "Bigger than my fucking cock."

I squirm as my cheeks grow a tulip. "Okay, mister."

"Tell me about your life."

I rest my head back on his chest. "I don't have the most interesting life. I head to class, eat, take the subway, and search for Daddies in my free time."

Medici clips out a growl. "I don’t like that last part."