Page 168 of Sweet Strings

“No!” I grasp Van’s forearm, trying to force the gun from his hands. If I could make it fall to the ground then he’d stop shooting Asher, and I could break free.

“Oops,” Van grins, firing one more shot into Asher’s upper leg.

All the color drains from Asher’s face when he falls over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. He blinks several times, heaving desperate breaths, but the pain is too much. Every tight muscle uncoils in his body, falling limp until he’s carried away into unconsciousness. Dark red blood pushes through the fabric of his jeans, staining the fabric at an alarming rate. I don’t know much about anatomy, but getting shot isn’t good. Even if it’s just one leg.

“Asher!” I screech, trying to pull away from Van’s embrace again. My foot stomps into his but does nothing to loosen his hold. If anything, he clings on tighter with his painful grip. Digging his fingertips into my neck and holding me hostage.

“Stop fighting me!” he grits out in my ear, pulling me further into him. “You’ll never fucking fight me again after all these distractions are out of the way. You’re mine. For fucking ever, Rivey.”

Sobs wrack through my body as I helplessly watch my entire world fall apart. Tears roll down my cheeks. I can’t get away. I can’t save anyone in this room.

“Run,” I croak out, trying to gain Lyric’s attention.

Her saddened gaze locks on Asher lying lifeless on the cold ground with blood trickling out of his leg from the three wounds, no doubt ending his life. He doesn’t twitch or fucking react. His chest barely moves with his labored breaths. If we’re not careful and don’t get the help we need, he’ll be fucking dead.

Lyric is frozen, unable to move when she needs to run. Her soft whimpers spear through the room, infiltrating through the static clogging up my ears.

“Daddy!” she cries out, twisting her face in anguish at the sight of him. “Daddy,” she whimpers again.

“NO!” Van shouts, huffing against the side of my neck when he raises the gun yet again. “He’s not your daddy.”

Lyric’s eyes dart to mine, gliding over my tear-soaked face and onto Van. Her tiny head shakes at his statement, not understanding him.

“He is my daddy,” she says through a quivering lip, standing tall. “And you hurt him.” A fierce expression pulls at her face, narrowing her eyes at him. Her tiny fingers form fists at her sides, like she’s about to pounce on the asshole behind me.

“Get help,” I croak out again through my bubbling emotions. “Ly!” I shout, clinging to Van’s forearm and digging my nails into his flesh. He doesn’t budge, but the grunt in my ear lets me know I’m inflicting some sort of damage.

“Run!” I shout through my fear, waving a hand at her to get a move on. If Van has a chance, I’m sure he’ll take her out, and I can’t fucking witness that and do nothing.

“Mommy!” she quivers with uncertainty, wavering where she stands tall.

“Run, Lyric! Don’t look back!” I grunt when Van grabs my hair in his tight grip and abandons my neck. His sickly long fingers weave through my locks, holding me firmly in place. I couldn’t move even if I fought again. But it should be me. Not her. I can take this trauma—something she shouldn’t have to endure. “Run and get help! Run, baby!” I shout when he lifts the gun again, pointing it right at her stomach.

My skin crawls—my heart races. Stars burst behind my eyes as I gasp for air. The walls close in on me rapidly when his hands land on me.

Lyric’s eyes dart between us, frantically taking the picture in. She tries to step toward me. I’m her protector, the person in charge of keeping her safe. She wants to dive into my arms and never let go. But I can’t right now. I shake my head as best I can, straining against Van’s hold on me.

She needs to run before he does something stupid like hurt her. He could fucking shoot her, and then my life would truly be over. She needs to get the fuck out of here.

“Run, baby! Don’t look back at me. Please!”

Get Liv. Get the fuck out of this shit show—is what I want to shout. But I can’t give Van any more ammunition. If he knows we have help just steps away, he might do something drastic.

With one last little whine of despair, Lyric runs out of the entrance. My ears ring again, overtaking everything when the gun explodes. My breath hitches when I try to pull away, desperate to chase after her. Or jump in front of the bullet myself. Relentless tears pour down my face when the dust finally settles, and Lyric is nowhere to be found.

A single hole rests in the stone wall with dust billowing from it. She’s safe. Lyric is safe, running to get help for Asher. Van can take me. Do whatever he wants to me. As long as Lyric is safe. And Asher gets the ambulance he desperately needs.

My mind swirls as the room softens and all the noises come to a halt. The static in my ears eases away when Van lowers his gun, staring toward the entrance where the bright sun shines through.

Why is this happening?

Van was the one who broke up with me. He sent me away. All because his parents couldn’t stand the thought of him being with some Central girl. So, why is he standing here, holding me against my will?

“You see him, Rivey? You see him now?” he asks with a false sense of calm taking over his tone. With the gun in his hand, he grips my chin, forcing my gaze to Asher, lying on the ground with blood dripping like a leaky faucet out of his leg. “He’s bleeding and practically begging for his life. How about another shot to make sure he never fucking comes back?” he hisses in my ear, raising the gun again in Asher’s direction.

How many more fucking bullets does he have?

His hot breath rolls over my neck as he holds me tight to the front of his body, letting me feel every disgusting inch of him. Spiders crawl under my skin at the nearness to him. My mind begs me to run. Bile rises in my throat. Desperation claws at me.