Shondra ran outside while Ellie began CPR. A minute later, the deputy returned and handed the NARCAN to her. “Call 9-1-1,” she said as she ripped open the package.
Shondra did as she said. Ellie took the device, moved her fingers to the bottom of the man’s nose, inserted the tip in one nostril then pressed the plunger to release the spray. She did the same with his other nostril then watched to see if he reacted.
“Come on, buddy,” Ellie said.
Seconds dragged into a minute. Then another. She thought she’d lost him.
But finally, his body spasmed and he gasped for a breath. Sweat broke out on his skin and his arms jerked, eyelids fluttering rapidly.
Ellie’s phone buzzed. She pulled handcuffs and cuffed the man, although judging from his weakened state, he couldn’t even walk much less try to get away. She stood and checked the phone. Cord.
“Ellie, where are you?” Cord asked, his tone concerned. “We tried to reach you.”
“Apartment five, Lake Haven Apartments.”
“Did you find the woman?”
“No.” She glanced down at the man who was barely conscious. His hair was ratty, his T-shirt full of holes, his jeans dirty. She had a feeling he was homeless.
And too high to have snuck into Sarah’s and abducted her.
Ten minutes later, Cord appeared at the apartment. He took in the scene, then her face and growled, “Dammit, El.”
“I’m fine,” she said. “He’s not though. OD’d. Ambulance on the way.”
Emotions flashed in Cord’s eyes as he strode to her. He lifted his hand and cupped her jaw, angling her face to examine her. “Looks like it hurts.”
“Like hell,” she said with a small smile.
He didn’t return the smile. Instead, anger streaked his face. He opened his mouth to say something but they’d played this song and dance before and knew better.
“Don’t,” she said. “It comes with the job. And I’m okay.”
Cord’s labored breathing rattled in the silence. He looked away for a long minute before it finally steadied. “Coolidge is on his way to the hospital.”
A siren wailed and Shondra hurried to meet them.
“How is he?” Ellie asked.
“Unconscious. Broken leg, ribs, head injury. One of the sheriff’s deputies is escorting him and standing guard.”
“I hope to hell he survives,” Ellie said. “And that he knows something about Sarah Turner.”
The medics appeared and Ellie waved them over. “He OD’d. Administered a dose of NARCAN and revived him.”
“Do you know what he took?” one of the medics asked.
“No idea,” Ellie said. “Shondra, take a look around.”
Shondra searched the kitchen then disappeared down the hall. When she returned, she was carrying a syringe and empty vial.
“Looks like heroin,” Shondra said.
The medics stooped beside the man to check his vitals. “What’s his name?”
“Don’t know. We were searching the apartments for a missing woman and he charged me. Think he’s homeless and been using this place for shelter.”