A second later, Angelica Gomez raced into the hospital with her cameraman. Ellie appreciated the reporter’s tenacity and her willingness to help, but Ellie’s emotions were raw.
The ER doors swished open and Mark’s parents rushed in, both looking scared to death. Ellie sped over to cut them off before they approached Emily. She didn’t deserve to deal with Mark’s parents’ emotions, which understandably were running high.
Mrs. Wade had been crying, and Mark’s father had his arm around her in an effort to calm her although judging from her hysteria it didn’t seem to be working.
“Where’s our son?” Sylvia Wade demanded.
“In surgery,” Ellie said.
“Who did this to him?” Mrs. Wade cried. “Who would shoot Mark?”
Derrick joined them, his jaw rigid, but his voice remained calm. “We don’t know yet. Maybe Mark can tell us when he regains consciousness, ma’am.”
“This is about Mia running off, isn’t it?” she said, her voice angry.
“Mrs. Wade,” Ellie said, tightening a leash on her temper. “I’m certain it is. But it’s also about Pixie and finding that child is our priority now. She was kidnapped by the person who shot your son.”
The color drained from Mark’s mother’s face and her legs buckled.
“Let us know if we can help,” Mr. Wade said as he guided his wife to a chair.
A strained silence filled the room as the wait began to see if Mark would make it.
Bryce motioned Ellie over to where he and Angelica stood. As much as she hated press conferences, she had to give one. Pixie’s life might depend on someone coming forward.
Ellie’s phone rang before she started the press report. Seeing it was Sheriff Kincaid, she answered. “Tell me you have news.”
“I went by Kevin Moon’s house but he wasn’t home. I’m on my way to talk to his father now,” he said. “What makes you think Kevin took the little girl?”
“Because it’s possible that he’s her birth father,” Ellie said. “We’re waiting on DNA results, but the timing of Jesse’s disappearance and her daughter’s birth fits.”
“Who was the man who was shot?”
“Mia’s – Jesse’s – fiancé. Mark Wade.”
“How’s his condition?”
She decided to tread carefully in case Kevin learned Mark was alive and sent someone else to finish the job. “I can’t say at this point.”
“You want me to help you but you won’t share information.” It was an accusation, not a question.
“He didn’t make it,” Ellie lied. If Kincaid was in cahoots with the Moons, let them believe that Mark was dead. He would be safer that way.
A strained silence fell between them before he responded. “Are you certain this woman didn’t just run off and now she came back for her daughter?”
“Yes. I knew her personally. She would never hurt Mark,” Ellie said, irritated. “I found evidence that indicates Patty Lasso discovered something illegal going on with their business and the Moons were involved. Jesse left a journal stating that she was afraid of Kevin and had to get away.”
Kincaid was quiet for a second. “What exactly did she say about the business?”
“I don’t have all the details,” Ellie said. She wouldn’t share them anyway and she intentionally omitted what had happened when they’d found that warehouse. She still didn’t trust that he wouldn’t cover for the Moons. “I realize you’re tight with the Moons, but if you know something, Sheriff, or if you find Pixie with them, you have to turn them in or I intend to arrest you as an accomplice.”
“I don’t like threats, Detective,” he snapped. “If I find the child, I’ll make sure she’s safe.”
He hung up and Ellie gritted her teeth. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake by calling him, but she wanted to make it clear that she would hold him accountable. Squaring her shoulders, she glanced at the Wades, who were clenching each other’s hands in fear, then she headed toward Angelica. “I’m ready.”
Angelica signaled her cameraman to begin then adopted her professional persona. “Angelica Gomez here with Detective Ellie Reeves and this late breaking story.” She tilted the microphone in Ellie’s direction.