If her head wasn’t throbbing like a mother, she would have rolled her eyes, gotten up and stalked right out.

“Be quiet,” she said in a strangled voice. “Now someone get the doctor, the discharge papers and my clothes. I’m leaving.”

“No, honey, you need to rest,” her father replied.

“I can handle the case,” Derrick said.

Cord pleaded, “Please, El.”

Bryce now: “Let me take this one.”

She felt as if she was going to blow a gasket and hissed, “I said stop it.”

Another hushed silence fell, then she heard footsteps again and the door closed, as she squeezed her eyes shut.

She had no idea which of the men had followed her orders, and she didn’t care. She had a case to work and she needed a shower or a hot bath.

Then she was damn well going to find Mia and nothing, not even a beatdown, would stop her.



“As Memorial Weekend activities fire up, the temperature outside is heating up as well,” local meteorologist Cara Soronto reported as Derrick drove Ellie home from the hospital. “Remember your sunscreen, folks, especially if you’re on the water.”

Cara’s voice died as he cut the engine. Puffy white clouds danced across the sky, the morning sunlight shimmering off the asphalt.The humidity was cloying and made Ellie’s hair cling to the back of her neck as she got out. Derrick took her elbow but she shook him off.

“I’m fine. Just a little sore. We’ve got work to do.”

“You need to stay home and rest today,” Derrick said. “Trust me to take care of things.”

“It’s not about trust,” Ellie quipped as they entered her house. “It’s about finding Mia. And if some son of a bitch thinks he can beat me into giving up, he’s an idiot.”

Derrick’s frustrated sigh punctuated the air. “I know you won’t, but you can delegate. Whoever attacked you last night is still out here. Let me find them and keep you safe.”

Ellie turned to him as he closed the door. “I appreciate your concern, Derrick, but I don’t intend to take this lying down. If he did this to me, just think what poor Mia might be going through.”

“Do you know who assaulted you?” Derrick asked. “I thought you didn’t see his face.”

“I didn’t, but I could tell he was a man. All this has to do with Mia and the Moons and that creepy town. Now…” she pressed her hand to her ribs as she inhaled. “Let me clean up and then I want to talk to Mark. We owe him an update.”

Derrick’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t argue. “I’ll wash up in your extra bathroom,” he said. “Then I’ll drive you.”

Ellie conceded to that. After last night, she needed back-up. And a driver. Her body hurt like hell and she realized Derrick and Cord probably hadn’t slept much either. Maybe she’d cut Derrick some slack.

But she didn’t intend to sleep the day away when Mia needed her.



Kevin slowed as he neared Emily Nettles’ house, then parked on the curb across the street. Through the window, he saw the kids running around but he didn’t spot Pixie.

He reminded himself to be patient. But he’d already missed so much time with her that it took every ounce of his restraint to keep from walking up to the door and demanding to have his child.

While he waited to get a glimpse of her, anger seized him. How unfair was it that he had to skulk around and watch her from afar?

That he hadn’t gotten to name her? For a minute, he mulled over girl names. Maybe Sarah after his mother. Or Tiffany, he liked that. Or… Holly…