Ellie was so pissed she saw red. Her attacker had come out of nowhere. How could she have let him get the jump on her? She’d known he was there, had seen movement. Still, he’d pounced and he was so strong and heavy he’d pinned her to the ground like she was an ant.

The lull of the ambulance rocked her back into unconsciousness yet pain splintered her body, agonizing and intense. The whining of the siren echoed in her ears, tires bouncing over the ruts in the road, making it worse.

“We’re almost there, Detective Reeves,” the medic said.

She nodded or at least she thought she did. The movement hurt just like her bones did.

She must have passed out again and, when she came to, she was being wheeled into the ER. She heard Cord’s voice asking if he could stay with her, but she didn’t want anyone hovering.

“Sir, let us examine her and run some tests, then you can see her.”

Ellie sighed in relief. Being poked and prodded was humiliating enough without having an audience.

The next two hours were excruciating as she underwent an exam, a CAT scan and MRI. All she could think about was that she hoped Derrick and the ERT found something at her house to identify her attacker.

Head throbbing, she closed her eyes, begging for sleep, yet a half-dozen doctors and nurses paraded through, each pressing her belly and back and asking questions.

Finally the results were in and the doctor cleared his throat. “Detective, can you hear me?”

“Yes…” she mumbled, although her voice sounded slurred from exhaustion.

“Good news here. You definitely sustained bruises and will be sore for a few days, but thankfully there’s no broken bones or internal bleeding.”

Her head felt so heavy she tried for a nod but failed. “Go… home.” She managed to eke out the request.

“Not tonight,” he answered. “We’re keeping you in for observation.” He patted her shoulder like she was a dog. “Now get some rest.”

She heard the door squeak open, then footsteps. He was leaving. But then Cord was there.

“You okay, El?”


His chuckle felt like a hug that she needed. “Did you see who did this to you?”

She shook her head but the movement hurt too much and she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.




Morning sunlight fought through the clouds as Kevin stormed into his father’s house. He strode straight to his study, gave a hard knock on the closed door with his fist then burst inside. His father was on the phone, a scowl deepening the grooves around his eyes.

“Let me call you back,” his father said. He ended the call and rocked back in his chair, eyes narrowed to slits.

“Did you know about the little girl?” Kevin asked. “Tell me the truth this time.”

“That Jesse had a child?”

“Yes, Father,” he said through gritted teeth. “Did you know?”

His father gave a shake of his head, although he didn’t quite meet Kevin’s eyes. “You hired the PI to find her. Didn’t he tell you?”

“No,” Kevin said. “But I think she’s mine. And I’m not going to let Jesse get away with this. She’s already made me miss four years of her life.”

“I told you that woman was trouble,” his father said, his voice full of disapproval. “I’m tired of cleaning up your messes so don’t do anything stupid.”