“No.” Ellie’s nerves were getting the best of her. Today had started out with such hope for her friend. “Check with security, Cord. Maybe you can coordinate the search.”
“Will do.”
“I’ll question Mark and Liam and ask if there’s been problems in their relationships.”
Ellie made a quick phone call to her boss to request a forensic team and left one of the security guards to secure the room while she returned to the main venue.
Mark and Liam rushed to Ellie, with Pixie clinging to Mark. Seconds later, Mark’s parents joined them. “Did you find them?” Mark asked.
“Not yet,” Ellie said.
Mr. Wade patted his son’s back. “I’m sure she’s here somewhere,” he said, although his voice sounded less than convincing.
Mrs. Wade toyed with the gold chain of her ruby necklace. “Maybe she had second thoughts, Mark.”
Mark glared at his mother. “No. Mia would never leave me or Pixie.”
An odd look flitted in his mother’s eyes, but she clamped her lips tight, stepped away and went to talk to two young women from the Garden Club.
Liam looked down, running his hands through his wavy brown hair. “Mark’s right. Tori wouldn’t leave either, not without calling me. She and Mia were so excited about today. They’ve been planning this for months.”
The sun had completely vanished while Ellie was gone. A stiff wind had picked up, tearing flower petals from the gazebo.
Lola crossed to Pixie and Mark, holding out her arms. “Hey, sweetie, why don’t we go look at the pond while Ms. Ellie and your dad talk?”
Pixie bit her lip and tightened her arms around Mark’s neck.
“It’s okay, Pix,” Mark murmured. “Maybe you and Ms. Lola will see some fish. I’ll be right here.”
Tears stained Pixie’s small heart-shaped face, but Mark cuddled her again, then the little girl allowed Lola to take her. Ellie watched Lola comforting Pixie and realized she’d make a good mother. Were marriage and a baby in the future for her and Cord?
Her stomach knotted although she didn’t quite understand the reason. She and Cord had been together one night, but that had been years ago – she wanted him to be happy. She turned her mind back to the situation. The crowd was growing more restless by the minute, and she had to calm them. “Listen, folks,” she said, “we appreciate your patience. At the moment, the bride and maid of honor appear to be missing. I need everyone to remain in this area while we search for them.”
Concerned voices followed her announcement, but thankfully no one argued.
“I know you’re worried, Mark, Liam, but I have to ask you some questions.”
“Does my son need a lawyer?” Mr. Wade asked, his tone defensive.
Mark appeared to be taken off guard by his father’s attitude. “No, Dad. Now go sit with Mom and let me talk to the detective.”
A muscle twitched in the man’s cheek, then he went to join his wife.
Meanwhile, Mark and Liam followed Ellie to the back row of chairs and seated themselves, their distress palpable.
Ellie offered Mark a sympathetic smile. “When did you last see Mia, Mark?”
“Last night at the rehearsal dinner.” He stretched out his hands and stared at them. “And I called her to say goodnight before I turned in.”
“How did Mia seem?”
“Fine,” he replied. “Excited. Why?”
“I just need to know her frame of mind. If she was upset about something or nervous about the wedding.”
“She wasn’t,” Mark said. “In fact, we laughed at the rehearsal dinner last night. Pixie was so tickled about dropping the flower petals down the aisle that she tossed some over her head.”