What would she find in Red River Rock?
Red River Rock centered around a small town square, situated on one of the higher parts of the mountain offering majestic views of the lower valley, hollows and river.
Moon’s Foggy Mountain Real Estate was on the edge of town, perched on a hill. The building was an impressive two-story log house with stacked stone, a front porch with wooden rockers, a porch swing and a whiskey barrel holding a checker set.
“Looks like the Moons are doing well for themselves,” Derrick commented.
They climbed the wooden steps and entered through the screened door to an open lobby with a station, a reception desk, and a large area filled with brochures for activities in the area. One wall held a diagram of two new local developments with the plans for community gatherings, a pool, clubhouse, golfing and lots for sale. A second offered information on cabin rentals along the river. Another wall held an artistic mural depicting the town in its original state decades ago with horse drawn carriages, a saloon and the original Roadkill Café.
Ellie felt as if she was in a time warp. Glass casings enclosed three offices. A slender brunette dressed to the nines sat in one cubicle talking to a middle-aged couple. The second office was empty at the moment, and another woman with auburn hair was on the phone, her arm full of bracelets glinting beneath the lights.
At the sound of a voice, Ellie turned to see a staircase leading to a second floor. “His office is probably up there.”
Derrick gestured for her to lead the way. Along the stairwell were black and white photographs of businesses in town which the Moons must have owned. Just as they were nearing the office where some voices were coming from, a robust man in overalls lumbered out, a scowl on his face. He darted past them and strode down the steps with barely a glance at them.
The bronzed sign on the door read Kevin Moon, Mortgage Broker.
Ellie knocked on the door and poked her head in. A tall, fair-headed man wearing a suit was facing the window.
“Mr. Moon? May we come in?”
He pivoted, and Ellie had a glimpse of a handsome, in-shape man with a charming smile. “Yes.”
Ellie identified them and he motioned for them to sit while he moved to his desk chair. “Sheriff Kincaid called,” he said, his gaze level. “You’re here about Jesse’s disappearance?”
Ellie nodded while Derrick dove into observation mode. “We believe her disappearance is linked to a case we’re working involving a missing woman named Mia Norman from Crooked Creek.”
“Sheriff Kincaid explained that, too,” Kevin said. “I can’t believe Jesse is alive after all this time.”
She should have asked the sheriff not to give Kevin a heads-up. But he was loyal to the Moons and she doubted he would have done so.
“I’m sure this is painful for you,” Ellie said, using a sympathetic voice to cater to his emotions.
“It is,” Kevin said, his voice laced with disbelief. “Are you certain they’re one and the same?”
“DNA confirmed it,” Ellie said.
Another tense second passed. “Did she really change her name to Mia and was she engaged?”
“That’s what we think,” Ellie said. “We’re sorting things out, trying to determine if this time she disappeared intentionally or if she was abducted.”
His brows shot upward. “Why would you think she was abducted?”
“Because there were signs of foul play in the bridal dressing room.” Ellie studied his reaction. “And her maid of honor was murdered.”
For the first time since they’d entered the room, unease darkened his eyes. “How was she killed?” he asked quietly.
“I can’t discuss the details at this point. But I need you to tell me everything you can about Jesse Habersham.”
His shoulders went rigid. “Listen, Detective, Special Agent Fox, I went through hell when my wife disappeared. Not only did I lose my wife, the love of my life, but people actually thought I might have done something to her.” His voice rose an octave. “I’ve had to live with that. Grief over the loss of my wife, plus rumors. Strange looks. Suspicions. But now you’re telling me she’s alive…” He crossed his arms, gaze steady. “Are you here to accuse me of kidnapping this Mia woman? I mean, Jesse.”
“We’re here for information,” Ellie said. “Where were you yesterday between the hours of five and six p.m.?”
He tunneled his long, tanned fingers through the layers of his well-groomed hair. “With my father discussing a business deal.”