So that confirmed Liam and Mark’s statement about the pre-wedding photography session.
“The cam overlooking the path to the section of the river where the bodies were found wasn’t working,” Bryce said. “Looks like it was shot out.”
Dammit.“Sounds premeditated. I want all the footage sent to my office,” Ellie said.
Bryce tensed. “You second guessing my work?”
Ellie and he had clashed before, although she’d thought they’d reached a more even keel recently. But he still sounded defensive. “No. But there might be something that seemed insignificant at first sight that could lead us to a clue.” She wanted to study body language, behaviors, relationships between the couples and family, attendees and staff. She also wanted Derrick to see them.
“Forensics collected Mia and Tori’s phones,” Deputy Landrum said. “I looked through but didn’t find anything suspicious.”
“Dig deeper in the morning. Check social media as well. We’ll confiscate their computers when we search their homes.” Ellie’s muscles ached from the strain of the evening. “I guess we should call it a night. Maybe tomorrow will bring some answers.”
She just prayed Mia didn’t end up like Tori.
Cord replayed Lola’s terse phone call in his head as the team dispersed.
On the way to the wedding, she’d pushed him again about moving in together. He still hadn’t answered her.
Now he sensed she was pissed that he’d abandoned her to lead the search, but that was his job and his work drove him. It was the one thing that had kept him sane over the years when his demons crawled from the grave to drag him back to hell.
Ellie was the bright light in the darkness. Earlier tonight she’d taken his breath away when he’d seen her in that sexy sundress and heels.
Now she looked totally exhausted. Rain had drenched her, but she hadn’t let the bad weather deter her from helping to rescue Tori’s body from the muddy river.
His admiration for her rose with each case they worked. But he couldn’t tell her how he felt. She and Agent Fox were together, and all he wanted was for Ellie to be happy.
And safe.
Now she was chasing another killer. He wouldn’t let her do that alone.
“What a mess,” Ellie muttered with a shake of her head. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, but I can come back and help tomorrow if you need.”
“I’ll let you know. Let’s hope tomorrow we find Mia. Her little girl needs her mother.”
His chest tightened as they headed outside. The wind had died down, although leaves, and branches had been ripped from trees and littered the manicured land. The fresh flowers decorating the venue had been destroyed. Golfers would have to wait tomorrow to hit the greens so the staff would have time to clear the course.
But that was the least of the resort’s worries. No doubt having a murder occur on their property would deter guests and put a kink in holiday weekend plans.
He studied the rising peaks and ridges of the Appalachian Mountains in the distance as he and Ellie climbed in her Jeep. So many places in those woods for a predator to hide.
The darkness of his own past threatened to rise from the bowels of hell again, a constant reminder of his foster father’s cruel and demeaning treatment when Cord was a kid.
He should be immune to violence by now. Knew that it could strike at any time. Could strike anyone.
But he wasn’t immune. Especially when innocent women and children were involved.
“Lola was wonderful tonight with Pixie,” Ellie said, cutting into his thoughts. “She obviously loves children.”
Lola’s caring smile when she’d talked to Pixie flashed in his mind. She would make a great mother.
But her child needed an equally good father. Lola needed a good husband. And he had no idea how to be either.