The rain drilled down, soaking Ellie to the core and pinging off the surface of the water and the bottom of the canoe. Cord hung onto the fallen tree, watching as she steered it toward the bank. Her pulse hammered as she tied the canoe to the tree trunk, then leaned closer to see what he’d found.

“The lace trimmed veil with the tiny rosettes… It was Mia’s. She had it in her car one day when she dropped off some plants for my yard.” But the body lay face down, arms outstretched, most of it immersed in the water. Long hair swirled in all directions like snakes, streaks of red dotting the surface. Probably blood.

Ellie held her breath. “Turn her over now.”

Cord scrubbed rainwater from his eyes, then eased the woman’s body over. Blood streaked her face, and leaves clung to her hair and chest. Her eyes stood wide open in the shock of death, pale pink lips parted in a scream.

“She doesn’t have a pulse,” Cord said.

A wave of grief hit Ellie. She was definitely dead.

Only the girl in the river was not Mia. It was Tori.


“I have to call it in,” Ellie said as she sank back into the canoe. Then she had to inform Liam that his wife was dead.

Her lungs strained for air, and she phoned her captain. “The bride Mia Norman is still missing,” Ellie said. “Security teams are searching the property, but considering the fact that we found the bridesmaid in the river and the bride’s veil was also there, Mia might be as well. Let’s get a chopper to survey above and set up teams to drag the river. The current could have washed her downstream. Also, I heard a motorboat, so if this is an abduction, Mia’s kidnapper and Tori’s killer could be escaping via boat.”

“On it.”

“Ranger McClain and I are going to remove Tori’s body from the river before the elements can cause more damage and wash away evidence,” Ellie said. “Send the ME with a transport team. And ask Sheriff Waters and Deputy Landrum to come. Shondra is questioning the wedding guests, but we need someone to canvass everyone registered at the resort.”

They hung up, then she turned to Cord. The wind was battering the canoe, making it bob up and down wildly, rain still beating down. “Let’s get her in the boat.”

“Let me check and see if she’s trapped by something or weighted down.”

Ellie shivered as he ducked underwater to assess the situation. A minute later, he broke the surface and took a breath. “A vine is tangled around her legs. Let me cut it then we’ll move her.”

Ellie’s mind raced as Cord dove underwater again, the river rising with the downpour. She spotted a water moccasin skimming the surface a few feet away and watched to make sure it headed away from the ranger.

While she waited, she texted the security chief and filled him in. “Do not inform the guests or groom yet,” she told him. “Any sign of the bride?”

“Afraid not, but we’re still searching.”

She had to consider the possibility that Mia had run away, but she had a sinking feeling she’d been taken. As Mark said, she never would have left her precious daughter.


Cord lifted Tori out and Ellie reached over the edge of the boat to assist him. The woman’s body was heavy with death, her pale lavender bridesmaid’s dress torn and soggy.

“Poor Tori,” Ellie whispered as she raked wet hair from the young woman’s face. Her heart ached for her and her husband.

This day had started off with such joy. At least she imagined it had, with Tori, Mia and Pixie all bustling around getting dressed, having their hair and makeup done, taking pictures as Mia prepared for the happy occasion.

Now it had ended with one woman dead and the bride missing.

Leaves and weeds clung to Tori’s dress and body. One of her diamond earrings had come off, but she still wore her wedding ring.

Meaning her death had not been a robbery gone bad.

While Cord hauled himself inside the canoe, Ellie pulled herself together and examined Tori for injuries. The gash on the back of her head was deep and wide as if she’d been struck from behind by a blunt object. Which suggested she’d been attacked.

Had that blow killed her or had she drowned?

She examined Tori’s arms and legs and found a couple of bruises, which could have happened when she hit rocks or the tree. More bruises marred her wrists as if she’d been held tightly, restrained or dragged. Definitely foul play.

As she rolled Tori to her side, Ellie noted a gunshot wound to her back. Damn. Not only had she been struck on the head from behind, but her attacker had shot her in the back.